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"Please don't go" i said jogging over to her not letting her leave.

"Justin since day one i knew this was going to be a mess" she said making me mad.

"So what tour saying is that you didn't have faith in this.. Us?" I asked taken back.

"What us Justin what us?" She asked throwing her hands up in the air.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked making that confused face i make.

"Weren't you saying earlier that we are not anything right now? Did YOU say that we not dating? And last weren't you the one who said that you can date who ever you want cause your not my boyfriend and I'm bot you girlfriend" she said making me shut up.

"But i said i didn't mean it Melanie" i said looking down.


" But you said it anyways Justin"

"I said i didn't mean it Melanie so shut up" he said with an annoyed voice rolling his eyes.

"Just come home with me and shut up" he said yanking my arm towards inside.

But being the stupid shit i am i went along with it.

But the bitch was still here.

"Kylie i said to get out" Justin said through grunted teeth.

"But justyyy" she whined.

I tried to contain my laugh at how thirsty this chick was.

"Just leave" he said and took her out with her things.

He pinned me against the wall once she was out.

"Crazy how i push all the girls out of that door just for you, i do it all to keep you here with me" he whispered huskily in my ear making me weak.

"I know" i blushed out.

"You make me completeeee your alll that mattersssss to mehhh" he started to sing to me making me laugh and hide my face. (guys i don't know if in the story i said earlier that Justin is famous or not but fuck it)

"Do you love me?" he asked licking his lips. Tilting his head i the side.

"Yeah ,why'd you ask that" i asked.

"Because i love you" he said leaning in to kiss me.


Ugh ill be updating soo cause then next chapter has to be a sex scene cause im all out of sweet shit.

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