Chapter 23

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Eh who da hell cares what happened last night. I don't even know what do do. Im bored as fuck. Melanie probably doesn't want to see my fucked up face. Anyways about this baby, eh you probably don't want to hear about this baby either so ill just shut the fuck up.

-Melanie's POV-

Here i am felling stupider than patrick from spongebob square pants. I cant believe that a year ago i actually agreed to this friends with benefits shit. Im fucking pregnant now and Justin is basically leaving me.


It was crossed my mind all day. Plus nobody knows about the baby yet either than Justin but i mean if nobody knows it doesn't harm anyone right?

No! I cant kill an innocent baby that has no place in this, wether i have to do this alone or with Justin, I'm still keeping it.

Suddenly my phone started playing

"Pour it up by Rihanna" indicating that i had a call. I looked at the caller ID thinking wether i should answer it or not ? I mean it could be something important or not. I anyways took it.

"He-y" i breathed out. Scotching myself comfier in my bed.

"Hey" he breathed out just like me.

"What's up?" i said trying to get to the point of his call.

"Can i please come over?" he asked, bitting my lip i started to think about it. Should i? Nah i shouldn't. But then again. Now that I'm pregnant and everything well need to start acting mature for the baby's sake.

"Whatever" i said, i didn't want to sound desperate for him coming over. Cause that is just sounding like a thirsty hoe.

"Ill be over there in a few" he said, he's voice sounded so much different, it sounded so raspy, yet sexy.

"K" i said just laying there in my bed.

"Aight" he said before the line went dead.

I took out my nike tights (leggings) and a plain white shirt with a little american eagle sign in the top right corner. And lastly took out my white socks taking out a towel.

Blah blah blah

I took a shower. Blah blah blah the shit is do is boring so you don't need to hear about that.

My phone vibrated next to me as i did a high ponytail.

I first read the message the seeing who it was from.

I walked downstairs opening the door to see Justin standing there with a red rose in his hand. A small smiled curled up in the tip of my mouth as i let him in.

"He-y" i breathed out looking at his presence. smiling just a little bit but not wanting too.

"Hey" he said and looked down at the rose in his hand. he slowly looked up at me his hand starting to slowly move to me , handing me the rose.

"Whats this for" i said taking it in my hand twirling it around.

"Im very sorry for what i said yesterday, i know its even harder for you than it is for me so next time i will just shut the fuck up" he said making me laugh a little at the end.

"What do you mean next time?" i asked still laughing a little of what he had just said.

"Melanie i want us to raise the abby together, i want to make you feel complete and loved, so if you gave me a chance, i would like to have this baby and love him or her so much" he said making my whole world spin around so slowly.

Does he really mean this? or is this just a trick to get me back at this game for 9 months then leave me with the baby alone.


Have you guys heard the Jelena shit drama. It is so fucking funny though. No but seriously this on and off shit needs to stop alreadyyyy

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