Chapter 9: Always Here

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Mindless Fairytale- Chapter 9  ♥ Always Here


Leila (POV)

It was dark in the room and I felt someone laying on me. I looked around, it was too dark to see who was on me, but I was still clothed thank goodness and I could see I was still in Kay Kay's room. I reached for the bedroom lap and turned to see Princeton's head full of curls laying on my chest. He looked so peaceful. But what, how, what was he doing here? My bruises still ached, espcially my sides and my arms. I couldn't move, but my body felt stiff and I was extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to move but I couldn't without waking Princeton. I looked at the time, it was early. I thought Princeton would busy all week. But he was here, with me. I layed my head lightly on his. He began to wake up. Shit. My jaws were sore, and I didn't want to speak.

Princeton: Leila, Leila are you awake?

I looked at him and nodded.

Princeton: Leila, please don't be mad at me. I tried calling your cellphone and you didn't pick up, I went back home to change and I found your phone sitting on my bed. I was worried so I called your cousin, Adrianna.

 Princeton went through my phone? Great.

Princeton: And I asked her if you were still at the house, but she said you were here so I came over but you were asleep so I stayed.

Princeton was so sweet. Despite the fact that he had shades on, I could see that he was sad. 

Princeton: Leila, what happened? Adrianna and Kay Kay wouldn't tell me everything, but what the fuck happened? You have bruises all over your arm. Leila I'm sorry, if it was RJ, I will get him, I am sorry I wasn't there for you.

Princeton seemed furious. His cheeks were red, his tiny eyes began to get bigger and his voice, his voice was deeper. I looked at his hands. They were slightly balled up. But I know Princeton, he would try to help, but he isn't the fighting type, he would get hurt right along with me. I wanted to tell Princeton, it wasn't RJ, RJ actually saved me, but I waited until he was done ranting and he looked up at me.

Me: RJ wasn't the one that tried to rape me and beat me.

Princeton: you were almost raped? By who?

The cheeks got red hot, and my stomach felt queezy. I tried to fight back the tears, but the tears kept coming and coming. Princeton wiped them slowly with his hands and wrapped his arm around me and hugged me, tightly. I felt safe again. I grabbed on to him and I began to tell him what exactly happened.

I slowly explained to him what happened and when I told him about Terrance, Princeton started yelling in spanish and walking around in circles, I couldn't understand him. He said he knew and understood spanish but couldn't speak it well, but apparently he can. He cooled down and came back and listened. He told me I needed to report this to the police, but it wasn't going to do anything, it wasn't going to keep him behind bars, and I know he is still after me, and Adrianna. He did threaten to kill Adrianna if she told, but me, I wasn't so scared of him like Adrianna was. Well at least I felt that way with Princeton with me. I continued to tell Princeton what happened, explaining to him that RJ did nothing but protect surprisingly and I told Princeton how he still liked me and how I told RJ I was gay and had a girlfriend. Princeton found that really funny for some reason. I continued telling him the story and after I felt better about it.

Princeton: I don't want to leave you, alone by yourself.

Me: aren't you busy this week with the group?

Princeton: kind of, but doesn't mean I can't bring you too

Me: your managers wouldn't mind

Princeton: no, Roc brings Ahmala all the time.

Me: I guess so. Do you have anything to do today?

Princeton: yeah in the afternoon, though. But I was thinking maybe if your feeling better, I could keep my promise I made to you.

Me: ok

My body still ached from before, but I felt a little better.

Princeton: ok well I'll let you get ready. I'll be downstairs.

Princeton kissed me and walked out the room. His lips felt warm aganist mine, mine were really cold. My lip wasn't busted anymore or else it would have hurt. I grabbed my bag that I had put some extra clothes in and walked to the bathroom. Princeton left my iPhone on Kay Kay's dresser and I grabbed that on my way too. I checked it. There was a zillion calls from Princeton. And then a message from RJ. It said call me ASAP. I hope RJ isn't in trouble, but I mean I didn't want to find out so just deleted the message. I put the phone on the batheroom counter and looked at my face. I didn't look that bad, just my arms. My face was fine, a little small stratches here and there but I was fine. I turned on the shower water and slipped out of my clothes and ran in the shower. My bruises didn't burn surpisingly. I thought the hot water would bruise them but it didn't. I was ok. I quickly took a shower and just put on some regular clothes. I didn't feel like it mattered much. I pulled my curls back in a ponytail, I didn't feel like brushing my hair fully either, I was to excited to see what Princeton had planned for us. I zipped out the bathroom and zoomed down the stairs. my phone was ringing off the hook. the caller ID said unknown. I didn't want to answer so I turned my phone on silent. Princeton smiled at me and we walked out the door towards the car.

Adrianna : Liela wait!

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