Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning to crying parents. My mother shook me slightly and kissed my forehead. I got up and that's when I remembered. I turn 16 today.

For most teenagers, turning 16 is the best. Your growing up, becoming mature and you finally get your licence. But not in this city. Here your life is already owned.

You are sold away at 16 to the rich men to pay for your parents to keep their home and what little things they have in it. The city is run by a filty perverted young man, passed down from his disgusting father.

"Bella dear", my mother sobs "get in the shower, you need to be as beautiful as ever today" she gives me a small smile.

If my parents had the choice, they would rather die of starvation then give me or my sister away. They are the kindest people anyone could meet, and they know what happens in those big old homes. My mother got lucky at 17 and was picked by my father, who shows her respect, but not most woman get that here.

I hop into the shower and wash up for my big day. Every girl I'm friends with turns 16 today, we all have the same birthday so we can all go on sale at once. These men disgust me.

After my mother blows my hair dry and curls it, she puts on light makeup and I slip into a very expensive looking dress.

"Mother, father, why is this gown so nice?" I ask

"You must look nice dear, and you do look absolutely stunning.. Now let's go before were late" she says with a smile and a little pride in her eyes.

We get in our piece of crap car and drive to the banquet. We are greeted by overly happy woman in tight dresses like mine.

My mother explained that if a girl is not bought at 16, she becomes an 'extra' meaning she is the bosses property, and she will only be 'used' if needed.

When we arrive at our assigned table at the back, my brother is waiting for us. A huge smile spreads across my face and I begin to run to him, before being stopped by my father

"Not here Bella, they take notice of dramatic woman and your husband is in the audience" he explains to me and I look around. I hadn't noticed the eyes on me from being focused on my brother, and there were a lot of old men watching my every move. A cold chill went down my spine.

"Harry!! I whispered excitedly "dear brother I haven't seen you in forever!!"
We hug and he explains he's been in the army for the 2 years he's been away. He's gotten a lot older and mature since I've seen him last.

I am rudely interrupted by that overly peppy girl that took us to our table
"I'm sorry miss but it's time to go now, say goodbye"

My eyes get watery as I face the fact that I may never get to see the people I love again. I hug all three of them and hug harry for a lot longer until the woman has to pry me off of him
Before I let go he whispers
"I have a plan bellyboo" I giggle at his pet name for me and give him a look

We walk back outside and around to a big room. I am seated in a chair at the back of the room and told to wait.

After what seemed hours I was called, I was the last girl left, who would buy me now?

Holding in the sobs I walked into a hallway that led me into the stage area. A woman checked my makeup and okayed the man before he sent me onto the stage.

I walked on slowly and from what I could see all the girls were with their 'masters' now. All except me.

"Isabella Grace, age 16, height 5"6, weight, 120 pounds, any bidders?"
Everyone was quiet. "She's quite the beauty folks, any takers?" I waited impatiently on stage and tried to smile as much as possible.

"I bid a million dollars"

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