Chapter 3

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'Now what I'm about to do to you, is gonna hurt, but I don't care' he smirked at me

He could probably see the fear and look of disgust in my eyes, but shook it off and pulled his shirt off revealing a very sexy body.

I tried to squirm away but he got mad

'Keep trying to get away and I'll have to lock you up' he growled in my ear sending shivers down my spine. His hands roughly pulled me by my legs closer to him, and he began touching me everywhere, I tried to look everywhere but into those icy blue soulless eyes. I found myself looking at a window.. And thinking..

I did what any girl would do, I kicked him hard in the balls and ran for my life. I was almost out the front door when someone got in my way.

'Please let me out please please I can't do this please' I begged and cried what looked like my masters body guard, before I heard footsteps down the stairs. I turned slowly and saw a very upset Niall...

'If your gonna keep this up.. Your time here won't be fun baby doll' he said with a wink, he look pissed as he whispered something to the guard

He grabbed my arm and looked into my soft blue eyes

For a second I thought I saw hurt in his eyes.. Like It had hurt him that I wanted to leave, but then they went back to being ice cold

'This is your only warning' he growled through his teeth

He stormed off and the guard pulled me down a hallway and into a beautiful room. The walls were a cream based colour and the bed had a beautiful white frame with Tiffany blue silk blankets laid across it. There was a huge wardrobe and a beautiful view of the ocean from the huge window on the wall. The guard let go of me and walked out, locking the door behind him


I explored a little more and inside the wardrobe was a wide variety of beautiful dressed and skirts

I was in awe of how gorgeous the entire set up was. I found a door on the wall across from the window, which lead to a beautiful ensuite

I was in awe at it all.

Someone knocked on my door

I opened it to find Niall horan, who barged in and walked to my wardrobe.

He pulled something in a fancy bag out and set it on the bed

'Were going out for dinner, get ready. Someone will be in to do your hair and makeup in 30 minutes, there's a shower In the other room with everything you need'

He walked over to me and pulled me close

'Get dressed' he said, grabbing my bum and leaving the room

I sighed and went into the bathroom to shower

I turned on the water and went to look for any type of underwear, and was a little shocked at what I found.

It was all expensive looking and either lace or cotton. I pulled out a cute pair of white lace panties and a matching bra and went back to the bathroom. I stripped down and got in

10 minutes into my shower the door opened. I froze

'Hello?' I called softly, hearing footsteps into the bathroom

I saw Niall and screamed, trying my hardest to cover up

'Calm down I'm bringing you towels, unless you want me to join you' he winked and left the towels on the sink beside the shower, before walking away

I finished washing my hair and got out of the shower, grabbing the towel Niall left and drying myself. I put on my undies and bra and went out to get the fancy bag Niall picked out. I opened it slowly to find a beautiful red ball gown and stared in Aweh

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