Marco Reus // Pikachu

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I quickly put on my running Asics shoes and a black cap, the rest of my outfit was done two hours ago but now I was leaving the house. I unplugged my phone and put it on my pocket.

"You can't be serious," my younger brother exclaimed as he watched me leave my room.

"What? Leave me alone!" I said flipping him off. "At least I'm doing some kind of exercise."

"Yeah, right," he muttered with a chuckle. "You are so lame."

I grabbed a cushion and threw it at his face, he was going to chase me when I got out of the house and ran to the end of the block, he wouldn't follow me all the way there.

I finally grabbed my phone and opened the game. I had been hooked with Pokemon Go since the game launched three months ago, I had 129 Pokemon registered on my Pokedex, so I needed twenty-two more to complete it... for now. They announced they were going to add Generation 2 soon. And my twelve-year-old brother couldn't understand all of this, he didn't grew up with Pokemon like I did.

As weird as it sounds, I still didn't have Pikachu. I had spotted it a few times but it always escapes, and I hadn't been lucky with getting it from an egg, I only got those damn Pidgeys and Rattatas.

But today could be different, I had five 2k eggs in incubators and two 5k, and I was determined to hatch them all today, and hopefully I could finally get a Pikachu.

With that in mind, I started to walk to the right. I was going to this park where I had caught great Pokemon before. Months ago I would have taken the bus but ever since I started playing I walk there, and on my way, I caught five Pokemon, one ran away, got stuff from seven Pokestops and fought two gyms.

Just two minutes after I entered the park, my eggs start hatching. I prayed to get a Pikachu. I crossed my fingers just before I saw I got a Bulbasur, not bad I guess. From the second I got a freaking Caterpie, and for the three other eggs I got a Charmander, which I needed to get a Charizard, and also got a Pidgey and a second Caterpie.

"Seriously?" I exclaimed after a very deep sigh. If I had known it would be this hard I would have created a new account and done the trick to get Pikachu as a starter.

Some minutes later I got more eggs from Pokestops and I put five other 2k eggs in the incubators, hoping to finally get a Pikachi and I also noticed my 5k eggs were only one kilometre away from hatching.

As I kept walking around the park, I caught more Pokemon. I even got an Aerodactyl, which I didn't have. Unfortunately, it wasn't a strong one but at least I registered another Pokemon to my Pokedex.

I also got one Vulpix and Growlithe from my 5k eggs, and they were quite decent, plus with the candy I got I could now evolve one Growlithe, which I would do once I got home.

I was starting to give up after my other five 2k eggs hatched and got nothing good, plus my battery only had thirty percent left. I was going back to the entrance when I saw a Pikachu on my 'sightings' and all I could was walking around the park like a maniac to try to find it.

"Come on, come on, where are you?" I muttered as I almost jogged, I needed to find that little electric rat before it could disappear.

I was going so fast and was so distracted, I bumped into someone. I stumbled but didn't fall to the ground and luckily the guy didn't either. I looked up and the first thing I noticed were his gorgeous green eyes.

"I'm so, so sorry," I said immediately. "I just... I'm sorry."

"No, it was my fault. I was looking at my phone."

"Yeah, me too."

At exactly that moment, I felt my phone vibrating and I immediately had to look at the screen. Right there was the Pikachu.

"Oh my God, finally found you!" I said, completely forgetting about the blond guy in front of me.

The guy casually got closer to me and crouched his head a bit, I was oblivious to that as I tried to catch the elusive Pokemon. I needed it.

"You play too?" I heard the stranger said to me, making me look up at him. "I was looking for Pikachu too."

"Were you, really?" I asked excitedly. I looked down at my screen only to find Pikachu had broken free.

He looked at his own phone, smiled and let me know he was going to try to catch it too. Only seconds later he cheered, he had gotten it on his first try.

"What?" I exclaimed. "No fair!"

At the end I used about twenty-five of all kinds of pokeballs and like ten berries to catch it, but I was successful, so that didn't really matter. I would have been pissed if I had wasted all that and have no Pikachu at the end.

I looked up at the guy, smiled and did the sign Pikachu did, the piece sign. The guy chuckled at me and I felt so embarrassed for a moment, but the guy quickly took my phone and looked at my newest Pokemon.

"Six hundred forty-three CP?" he exclaimed in shock. "Wow! Mine was only fifty-two."

"What level are you?"

"I'm only on level six," he told me sadly.

"I'm level thirty-three," I said. "That explains the difference."

The guy was so shocked and he started to ask me all kind of questions as we walked together, hunting Pokemon. I explained to him all kind of things and even showed him how, including how to throw a curve ball.

Eventually my phone died, just before some eggs were about to hatch and there was a Dratini nearby, I guess I should have brought my second battery.

After spending close to two hours walking around, he finally realized he didn't know my name and he hadn't told me his.

"I'm Marco," he said after I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you."

We were in the park until Marco also ran out of battery, but before going our separate ways we agreed of meeting here tomorrow and catch Pokemon together.

I turned around and saw Marco looking at me, I waved at him, he raised his arms, but instead of waving like I did, he made the same sign I did when I caught Pikachu, making me smile at him, now I didn't feel embarrassed at all by that anymore and I actually did it again, I guess that would be our thing for now on.

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