Not Quite Perfect

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“Oh, for God’s sake!” Harry cried.

His large hands hit the steering wheel in frustration. I quickly opened the car door, climbing out. He was doing a pretty good job of getting on my bad side. Jogging up the steps to our flat I hastily pulled out the keys from my bag, unlocking it and leaving the door open for Harry to catch up. I jumped as Harry loudly slammed it behind us. I quickly made my way down the hall to our bedroom.


I ignored him, slipping off my shoes and going over to the mirror to unclasp my necklace. I watched in the reflection as he strolled over to the other side of the room. He removed his blazer, placing it over the chair before turning, eyes burning into me.

“I can’t believe we’re still arguing about this, it’s so stupid.”

I quickly spun round, pushing my hair from my shoulders allowing it to cascade down my back before narrowing my gaze on Harry.

“It’s not just that, Harry, there’s everything else.” I spoke harshly.

“Like what?” He scoffed.

His converse were kicked off and his hand went up to his face sweeping the curls from his vision.

“Like how you never put the plates away from the drying rack. I always have to do it.”

He frowned.

“I did it last night.” Harry retaliated.

“No you didn’t. You said you were going to do it then sat on the sofa playing on your phone.”

He struggled to deny what I had just said, instead he threw back a comment in defence.

“You never put my DVDs back in alphabetical order.”

“They’re not all yours!” I shouted.

His frosty green eyes locked on mine as he pulled his collar open, undoing the buttons on his shirt.

“You leave finger nail clippings on the sofa.” I spoke with an annoyed tone.

He threw his shirt to the floor. Standing bare chested in jeans that rested low on his hips; the black band of his boxers peeking over the top. He was beautiful…..he was also a stubborn arse.

“Your hair moults…..everywhere.” He emphasised the last word.

I gasped, my hands going up to my head and running my fingers through my long hair.

“I can’t help it.” I replied quietly.

My eyebrows came down in a frown as I gathered the length in my hands and brought it protectively over my shoulder.

“You don’t know how to wash your own clothes!” I gushed.

I walked over to pick up Harry’s shirt and chuck it in the washing basket. But he caught my wrist before I bent down.

“Don’t.” He warned.

I grasped hold of the clothing anyway, just to prove a point. Harry let out an annoyed huff before forcing me up against the wall. He pried my fingers from the material letting it fall to the floor. Harry placed his hands on the wall either side of my head. He leaned in closer, hot puffs of air fanning over my face as he breathed heavily.  Dark eyes bore into mine as he trapped me between his body and the room’s surrounding barrier.

“Do you enjoy making me angry?” his raspy voice sounded.

“I could ask you the same thing.”

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