Lets Get it on

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I found it difficult to focus on the conversation I was currently having. My eyes repeatedly wandering over to Teddy. She had never really been one for dresses, but the occasion required one, her sister’s wedding. Her black knee length dress wasn’t particularly the conventional wedding ceremony attire, especially as she was bridesmaid, but she pulled it off effortlessly. Long, dark hair was clipped over to one side, letting it fall down over her left shoulder.

I smiled as I watched her grab a pot of bubbles from the table. Twisting the cap off, she dipped the wand into the liquid before drawing it up to her mouth. Her lips pouted as she blew, colourful bubbles fanning out around her. Teddy laughed as the two little girls, in matching pink dresses, jumped up and down attempting to pop as many as they could.

An uncontrollable grin spread over my face as I caught her eye. She scrunched her nose up, continuing to laugh. I watched as she turned in my direction. Teddy pressed a kiss to the inside of her fingers, holding up the hand and the wand to her mouth. I chuckled as her kiss was blown to me, surrounded in bubbles. The two girls clapped, still jumping up and down. I excused myself from my conversation, walking through the colourful floating orbs.

“Hello, handsome.” Teddy greeted.

I leaned down, pressing my lips to her cheek. Her eyes were a mix of blue and green, the colours making her loving gaze an astonishing sight. The freckles that sprinkled over the top of her cheeks and nose made her appear younger, matching her playful side. Teddy’s small frame was the perfect height, her body easily fitting into mine as I tugged her in for a cuddle. Her giggled muffling into my shoulder.

“Beautiful.” I whispered into her ear.

I reluctantly released her. My gaze diverted down to where one of the little girls lightly caught hold of my trousers. Her small hand held up another pot of bubbles to me.

“You try.” She offered.

I smiled, taking it from her grip.

“Thank you.”

I twisted the cap off, before bringing the wand up to my mouth. I noticed Teddy’s eyes had fallen to my lips as she watched me blow, the small stream of bubbles floating through the air. I attempted again, but only a few orbs were created. The little girls laughed, Teddy joining in.

“Must be a faulty pot.”

Teddy’s head shook at my lame excuse as she crouched down to the girls’ level.

“Boys aren’t very good at bubbles.” She said quietly.

“Hey! I heard that.”

They giggled as I handed the pot back. I caught hold of Teddy’s hand, pulling her in closer to me.

“Do you mind if I steal Ted for a bit?”

They shook their heads, smiling as they continued to blow bubbles. I tugged her over to where other people were dancing.

“May I have this dance?” I joking spoke whilst bowing my head.

I heard her laugh as her small hand grabbed mine.

“Let’s bust some moves, Styles.”

Teddy yanked me to somewhere in the middle of the dance floor, my body bumping into hers as she abruptly stopped. She grinned up at me as I raised her hand above her head. The black dress she was wearing fanning out as she twirled round. Teddy’s hand released mine as I proceeded to amaze her with “pat the dog and screw the light bulb”. She laughed before nodding her head in approval.

I heard a few people chuckle round us, watching as we tried to out-dance each other. Teddy pinched her nose, raising her other hand which followed her movements down as she pretended to sink into water.

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