short story

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Julia walked home from another horrible day of torment. Horis was a jerk to her all the time. It's not like it's her fault everyone thinks he likes her. She sees her best friend, Katie, standing at a park. Katie had her long brown hair up in a ponytail, and seemed to be laughing really hard. Next to her was... Horis! Julia tried not to be noticed, or make it obvious that she noticed thrm, but failed miserably. Horis walked toward her and strangly said hi. She said hello awkwardly, when Katie came over and slung her arm around Horis. "Hey Ju-Ju" she greeted. She waved. "We have some news," Katie continued. Julia didn't like where this was going, but kindly asked what. "We're a couple." Horis finished. Julie made an excuse about a family get together, and put her hood up over her black hair. She could hear Horis make a ride remark about her and Katie snicker. "Oh How I wish this was just a dream." she murdered to herself.

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