Sad, Tired Eyes

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You know that sinking feeling in your chest when it feels hollow and you can almost hear your heart breaking? That feeling that you're drowning and your eyes want to shut, but they won't. You can't eat or sleep or smile or laugh or do anything but sit with your tired eyes. You desperately want to cry, let it flood out of your system, but you just simply can't, you've cried enough already he says, you cried enough already. Your eyes start to dry, not showing any emotion, any interest in anything at all. It's morning now, you need to sleep, but its noon and you have work to do. You're trying to eat now, but you spit it out, you can't swallow. your throat has a permanent lump, like a piercing that can never go away. Now it's endless boredom, trying to constantly deal with people in general. You just want to go home. You're home now, a slither of relief rushes over you for only a split second. Your eyes beg you for sleep and your stomach turning and flipping begging you to eat, but also warning you it'll throw up. You decide to lay down, maybe try to get some rest. Sleep feels like a distant memory. You're constantly looking for something to do. Your eyes burn from being open for so long. they're turning red and it feels like someone threw acid into them. After a while, you wake up again. back at square one. Start over. Spit it out, permanent lump, boredom, people, stomach in knots, heart racing eyes burning, pain, pass out. Start over. Spit it out, pain, pain, boredom, pain people, pain, pain heart racing, pain eyes burning, pain, pass out. Start over. Spit it out, pain permanent lump, pain boredom, pain people, pain stomach in knots, pain heart racing, pain eyes burning, pain, pass out. Start over. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. You wake up. This time something is different. There's no pain. You're numb. An endless boredom that won't leave your body..

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