Part 45: Calypso

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So recently Oliver just left the island and we discovered Callie's real name is Calypso.

For those of you who are vaguely familiar with Greek mythology you will know the legend of Calypso. For those who aren't, well that's the whole point of this book really.

The legend says Calypso was the daughter of the titan Atlas, (although if you do a bit of research you're going to find that there are a hundred different versions of every detail of the story so I'm just telling you the details I chose for my own story). Atlas sided with the titan Kronos in the war so when the gods defeated Kronos they punished Atlas by making him literally hold the world on his shoulders but they also sent his daughter, Calypso, to the island Ogygia, where she would live forever (because she is immortal).

In the Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus gets stranded on the island with Calypso for seven years. She falls in love with him and begs him to stay but he has to return to his wife, Penelope. Legend has it that every few years, the gods send someone to Ogygia, a hero  who she will always love but one who can never stay. No one ever finds the island twice and Calypso will always be there, waiting and dreading the arrival of the next hero to be stranded with her.

"Thus was Calypso affected by the Ithacan's departure, when in ages past she wept to the lonely waves: for many days she sat disconsolately with unkempt tresses uttering many a complaint to the unjust sea, and although she was never to see him again, yet she still felt pain when she recalled their long happiness together."  Propertius, Elegies 1. 15 (trans. Goold) (Roman elegy C1st B.C.) :

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