Chapter two: Morning Run

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The air was brisk and the wind was biting as Lea opened her window on the early Saturday morning. She has been up most of the night due to a headache, and it had only just gone away as the sun was just starting to show its curvature over the horizon, setting the sky aglow with powdery soft colors. It was beautiful, but certainly on the cooler side. She swiftly tied her running shoes, and headed out the door, hoping a good run would help clear her head. When she reached the lobby she walked quickly towards the door while looking down at her phone to get her music started. She shoved out the door while slipping the ear buds in and selecting a play list.

As Adele came playing quietly through her headphones she lifted her head and gazed into the oncoming day. It was bright and cold, with the smell of damp pavement mingled with the scent of car exhaust. It wasn't the smell she was used to, it certainly contrasted sharply to the smell of the farm first thing in the morning, but it wasn't bad. Lea picked up a light jog and started out onto the twisting sidewalks. She got about a block and a half away from her apartment building when she spotted a familiar form jogging towards her.

Lea fidgeted with her phone and glanced towards Steve. He grinned at her as he drew near, which was very quickly considering how fast he was. Lea nodded at him, not intending to pause her work out. Apparently Steve didn't intend to either, when they met up he simply swung around and fell into stride with her, on her left.

"Good morning." He grinned.

"Morning." She flashed a smile his way and kept going.

"I didn't know you liked to run." He commented as she noticed the dramatic slowdown in his speed. Lea tried not to scoff; she thought she was doing pretty well.

"Yeah, I run. It helps me keep a clear mind, and it's good for you." She shrugged, trying to go a little faster.

"Do you have a running partner yet?" he asked jovially.

"Running partner?" She half laughed.

"Yeah, you know someone who goes running with you. Keeps things interesting. Motivational." He splayed his hands open in front of them

"No. I've just been running alone sense I got here." She turned the volume of her music down a few notches.

"That's sounds pretty boring."

"Well it's not too bad. I listen to music." She lifted her phone to emphasize her point.

She glanced at Steve. He was already sweaty; not more then she was after running for eight miles, but he has probably sprinted a marathon or two. "Have you already been on your morning run?"

"Yeah, but it was light, I could go again, if you want the company...."

"Sure, that's fine with me." She laughed, sweat starting to bead on her forehead.

"Okay then. How far do you usually go?"

"Eight to ten miles, it depends on how I am feeling." She shrugged.

Steve gave her a sideways glance, a hint of surprise coloring his eyes. "Really?"

"What?!" her stride hiccupped and she looked at him with a hard glint. "You think I can't do it?"

"No!" He held up his hands to plead the fifth, as they rounded the corner. "No, not at all!"

She continued to look at him with speculation and disbelief in her face. "Riiiiight."

He just smirked and shook his head. "I believe you can do it. it just surprised me a little bit is all."

"Just because I grew up riding horses," she paused, breathing harder now. "doesn't mean I can't enjoy working out as well."

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