Chapter Nine: Movie Marathon

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Lea was in and out of her "office" for the remainder of the day as she cooked and baked and chased after Vader, trying to make sure he didn't get himself in trouble. She was busy enough that she didn't manage to get in the shower before one in the afternoon, and missed a call from her mother back home. It wasn't until the kitchen timer went off that she noticed the clock. It was nearly a quarter past six and she still hadn't cleaned the living room, or set the table, and Steve was never late. She rushed around, skipping back and forth between finishing dinner and setting the table and cleaning. She cursed the oven for baking the bread to slowly, added more spices to the stew, and was about to mix more milk for Vader when there was a knock at the front door.

Wiping her hands on her apron Lea hurried to shove the rest of her excess things from the living from into a closet before she let Steve in. She started apologizing for running late as soon as he walked in. 

"That totally fine Lea, don't worry about it. How's Vader?" He reassured her and picked up the dishes to finish setting the table.

"Oh, he is fine, I think he is sleeping in my room right now... which is also a mess. I just can't help but think what my mom would say; she can't stand to have anyone over if her house is a mess." Lea handed Steve a plate over the raised part of her counter as she spoke.

Steve paused. "Then it's good thing your moms not here."

For some reason Leas heart skipped a beat when Steve said that. She blinked and turned around to stir the strew and ladle it into bowls. While she had her back to him, Steve glanced down at the counter and something caught his eye.

"It looks like you've got the wrong-" He suddenly cut himself off. Lea looked over her shoulder, eyebrows raised. He lifted his eyes from her pile of mail and smirked. "Cordelea?"

Lea scowled.

"Is that your name?" Steve pushed, bemusement coloring his voice.

"Technically, yes. But I hate it. Its such an old lady name." She groused and stirred the soup hatefully.

"No its not." He objected.

Lea turned around and braced her palms on the counter now behind her. "No offense, but coming from a 94 year old, that doesn't really convince me." Steve gave her a rather bland look at that comment.

"Fine, well I think it suits you, Cordelea. It's pretty just like you."

Lea blushed and turned back to the soup. "Well thanks. But I'd still prefer it if you call me Lea, or I might call you Steven or just Captain America."

"Okay, it'll stay Lea then." He shrugged, albeit still sounded amused. Lea frowned and handed him the two bowls of stew to set on the table before grabbing the plate of bread and the butter dish. She had already walked around the counter and set them down when she realized she still had her not-so-clean apron on. Lea quickly set them down and pulled at the ties of her apron. It was stuck.

"Oh, stupid old rag." She muttered angrily, twisting around to see how it was knotted.

"Here." Steve interrupted her minor fit of exasperation and picked at the knot. Lea held still as he untied it, and tried to not notice when his hands brushed against her back. She really needed a new apron.

"There." The stings of the apron loosened and it was now only hanging from around her neck. Lea quickly pulled it off and threw it onto the counter before she sat down.

"Thanks...So, anyway... I know this might not be exactly the equivalent of what you spent this morning, but I hope you like it all the same." She smiled lightly, picking up her spoon. It was a new recipe for her that she had had look up online. She had made stews like this before, and thought that it tasted good, but wasn't sure if it tasted right.

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