Chapter Ten: So Close and So Far

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The bright rays of the morning sun glared through the apartment window with harsh cheerfulness, setting the crystal lamp on the bedside table glittering. Lea scowled and moaned as several of the sparking reflections hit her face. Her head was still throbbing so badly she wasn't sure if it was the lamp or just her imagination marking the room around her with flecks of light. She mumbled a curse and gingerly pulled the extra pillow over her face. She had developed the migraine two days ago, the morning after the Star Wars Marathon with Steve. She had thought it might be a result of staying up all night, (they had both dozed off on her couch during the last movie) but it had persisted with a remarkable ferocity only punctuated by dizzy spells.

Lea moaned again and rubbed her eyes, immensely grateful that the pain was receding. She had had to take yesterday off work, and missed her D.A.R.E appointment on self-defense, and so far two of the girls had called to check in on her. Also, one of the instructors she worked with regularly had brought her dinner. Steve had also insisted on taking care of her before he was sent out on a mission. With all the attention she was getting, so was almost starting to feel a little smothered.

A sigh escaped her chapped lips and Lea rolled onto her back. She squinted up at the ceiling, allowing her eyes to adjust to the light before she checked her clock. It read 8:47 am, considerably later then she thought it was. After a moment of mental preparation, Lea forced herself to heave back her comforter, slide her legs out, and stand. She shuffled over to her bathroom, past her punching bag, and downed her medication to fight off the remainder of the migraine.

As she slowly went about making herself a pot of coffee, and nearly tripped over Vader while carrying the grounds, which sent him into a hissing fit as he scampered out of the kitchen and hid under the couch. That was when she reminded her that she was late feeding him. She started the coffee brewing and proceeded to mix the kitten formula, and fetch him from his favorite hidey-hole. She sat on the couch, cross-legged, barefoot, in her pajamas, her hair sticking out in all directions, bottle feeding Vader while squinting around the to-bright room. Vader purred against her as he greedily sucked down the milk, but as soon as he finished, he fell asleep in her lap. She smiled down at the frail little thing. His ribs were still protruding, and he still looked delicate, but his fiery personality had grown. She sat there and slowly stroked his fur until her coffee pot gargled loudly, indicating her starter fluid for the day was ready.

Gently moving Vader from her lap onto one of the couch pillows, Lea stood, and was pleased to find that the stabbing pain had lessened to barely more than a dull ache. She went about making herself a simple breakfast before she sat down at her desk, hoping she was well enough to clock in at least some hours that day. Apparently she was, and managed to run several figures before two in the afternoon, but that was about all she had in her. Yes, her head was feeling significantly better, but she was still tired and didn't want to push herself to hard. She had learned the hard way that doing that only resulted in feeling worse. She was just contemplating if it was worth it to keep working, when her phone buzzed. Her eyes darted towards the illuminated screen to see a text from Steve.

Are you feeling any better today? The text stared up at her. She grinned. He had sent her a few messages while he was on mission, she had no idea how he managed it, or had the time, but she was touched all the same. She picked up her iphone and told him she was feeling much better, and asked if he knew when is was going to be back, and if he could even tell her that.

Several seconds later a return text appeared. Glad you are feeling better! I am actually in my apartment. Was wondering if you could come give me a hand with something.

Lea arched her eyebrow, curious. He didn't usually ask for help with anything, except on a few occasions with technology. Her thumbs quickly darted across the keypad, Sure, gimme 2 seconds. She sighed and glanced at her computer screen. She was going to be done working for the day anyway, she told herself, and signed off.  Lea gathered up her dished from lunch-which she had eaten while working, and dropped them off in the kitchen sink on her way out the door. 

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