Into the Wild: Chapter 11

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*Firepaw returns*

Ravenpaw: I managed to catch an adder!

Firepaw: Wait, you went hunting?

Ravenpaw: No. I stole it from a weird twoleg place. It was easy to break the weird stuff it was inside of... had to avoid cutting myself on it though getting out.

Firepaw: What you're telling me is that you broke into some guys house and killed their pet snake.

Ravenpaw: Yep.

Firepaw: *pause* We are SO putting that on the stump.

Tigerclaw: For once, I'm proud of you Raven-Nope, nevermind. I hate you again.

Ravenpaw: Aw, come on!

Tigerclaw: Yo, Bluestar, I saw Firepaw talking to a kittypet. We should kick him out.

Bluestar: Do you regret joining the clan?

Firepaw: Nope. I made the right move escaping Smudge before he blew up the entire twolegplace.

Bluestar: Who?

Firepaw: Oh, nobody important. Just some crazy terrorist.

Tigerclaw: Can I PLEASE get this 'Smudge' to join me in my quest for world domination, Bluestar?

Bluestar: Nah. We don't let kittypets in.

Graypaw: Annnd Bluestar's an idiot.

Bluestar: What?

Graypaw: Nothing.

Bluestar: Oh, by the way, you three are going to the gathering.

Graypaw/Ravenpaw: YYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

Firepaw: Annnd there goes any hope of sleeping.

Oneeye: Oh come on! We're night creatures! We use echolocation to see and-

Halftail: WE'RE CATS, NOT BATS!!!!

Oneeye: OH, we're GNATS!! Got you.

Halftail: Please die faster.

Firepaw: How did they get-oh, right. We magically teleported to camp somehow. Forgot the writers tend to do that.

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