Fire and Ice: Chapter 2

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Graystripe: So Nightpelt won the vote it seems in SC.

Nightpelt: We shall build a great, great wall to keep the TC cats out!

Graystripe: And then he wonders why his supporters have been harassing the daylights out of everybody that isn't pure SC.

Fireheart: He seems to be decent. Though I don't know how they'll build a wall along the highway. It might get taken down by the twolegs.

Graystripe: You said once that it's not even a highway anymore thanks to the interstate.

Fireheart: No, I said it's not USED much. Not that it isn't a highway anymore. It's still a highway.

Graystripe: Bah, whatever. They seem to be growing strong again though after the famine Brokenstar put them though.


*The leaders stop talking and stare at Tigerclaw*

Tigerclaw: Um... Nevermind. I'm... going back to the deputies now.

*Gathering continues*

Bluestar: Yellowfang is our new medicine cat. Sorry for stealing her, Nightpelt.

Nightpelt: Bah, I was probably going to deport her anyway. Anyway, I'm leader-

*SC protestors show up*


*protests move to some other location*

Nightpelt: Anyway, no I haven't gone to get my nine lives yet. Why? Because I'm lazy.

Bluestar: How were you elected again?

Nightpelt: I don't know. I ran as a joke, I was TRYING to lose, but apparently I discovered SC is full of idiots in the process! Sorry guys.

Some SC cat: It's fine.

Nightpelt: Brokenstar left the forest with the others, so we won't see them again. Also, can we keep using your hunting grounds Crookedstar?

Crookedstar: Nah. You aren't going to burn down the forest if I refuse, so...

Nightpelt: Fuck.

Crookedstar: Hey, let's share the WC grounds.

Bluestar: No, no, no, we're bringing them back.

Crookedstar: Why?

Bluestar: Because there's four trees here, thus we need four clans.

Crookedstar: *blinks* What kind of broken logic is that?

Nightpelt: Bluestar, you're fucking stupid. But I guess we probably should anyway. But really, that logic is more broken then Crookedstar's jaw.

Crookedstar: Hey!

Nightpelt: Sorry, but you should be used to that by now. You've never had a mate-

*Willowbreeze appears, slaps Nightpelt, then dissapears*

Nightpelt: HEY!!!

Crookedstar: Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my mate's bitch-slap.

Nightpelt: WHY YOU!!!! *calms down* Anyway, you've never had kits-

Crookedstar: Hey, Silverstream!

Silverstream: Yes, dad?

*everyone laughs and Nightpelt facepaws*

Crookedstar: Did you hear what Nighpelt said?

Silverstream: He's a fucking dumbass.

Nightpelt: HEY!!!

Crookedstar: Don't blame me, I didn't say that!

Nightpelt: You sneaky son of a bitch.

Crookedstar: But seriously, let's get an alliance going.

Graystripe: Oh great. We're fucked. Well, there goes TC. So Fireheart... your twolegs open to having more cats?

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