"Dammit Eva"

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Chapter 1

Eva was woken up by three loud bangs on her desk.

"Eva Hyde! You fall asleep in class everyday. It's unacceptable." Her teacher barked.

Eva rolled her eyes. "Your mother outta teach you some manners." Her teacher scoffed and walked away. Her best friend, Iris, tapped her shoulder.

"Dammit, Eva. Looks like you have detention again." Iris said.

"She can't give me detention. It's Friday." Eva protested. Eva spends a lot of her afternoons in that stuffy detention room. Their teacher went on about the collapsing American economy, Eva zoned out.

"Eva. What are the balances of the economy?" her teacher asked.

"I don't know." She immediately responded. Her teacher raised an eyebrow. "Do you care?" she asked. "Not really." Eva answered. Eva looked at Iris, she rolled her eyes.

After class Eva sat with Iris in the courtyard. The leaves were turning orange and the air felt fresh. Iris sighed.

"What's wrong?" Eva asked.

"I know you don't like the bands that I listen to, but I got us tickets to go see BVB tonight." She said.

"Who's that?" Eva asked. Iris talked about bands a lot, like Bring Me In Reverse and Falling The Horizon, or at least that's what Eva thinks they're called.

"You don't know?! Black Veil Brides." Iris said shocked that Eva doesn't know what Iris refers to as the best band in the history of bands.

Eva shook her head. Iris showed her her camera roll full of 1,000 pictures of these guys.

"They look like they wear a lot of makeup." Eva bluntly said. She started folding a crunchy red leaf.

Iris snatched the leaf out of her hand. "Eva! You have to go to their concert with me tonight. They don't come to Georgia very often." Iris tried to convince Eva. Eva sighed.

"They're hot Eva super hot!" She kept trying to convince Eva.

"Fine. I'll go with you." Eva gave in. Iris squealed and hugged her.


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