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Ever since Durk told everybody about me being pregnant shit just felt different from everyone, even him. I wouldn't say a bad way but it just feel different and unwelcoming as if he don't want my child but he know I can't be put through another abortion so he just pretends to be happy. I can be wrong, that's why I haven't said anything about it to him yet. It's nothing worst then feeling like ya baby father don't want your kid. Maybe I should've waited. I pout and start getting sad at work. "What's wrong prego?" Emily asked. "Nothing I'm just thinking about some stuff. I wanna go home and order more unisex stuff." I smiled rubbing my belly. "You a bird you having a greener reveal party?" Trisha asked. "Everything. Anything you can think of. I wanted my baby for four years." I smiled. "What you want?" Erica asked. "I'm scared to say because I don't want the opposite." I smiled beasting for a boy. "I hope you have a girl." Trisha smiled. I just smiled back. "I don't know but everybody saying that. Like you look like you're having a girl." I semi rolled my eyes. "Because you are. You know people who had girls right?" Trisha asked. "Yeah, my cousin and best friend." I smiled. "See and I know you seen their stomachs like this." She touched mines. "I want you to have a boy. Boys are so less easier to deal with at a young age, but Durk not gonna play that gangsta shit." Erica smiled. "Whatever my baby wanna do he or she gonna do it. Durk don't have no say so. Only on the name but that's only if I'm feeling his vibe." I smiled and they laughed at me. "He be treating you like your pregnant? Like doing everything for you?" Trisha asked. "That's regular, whether I was pregnant or not he was doing everything for me. But nowwww he be like you alright? Every twenty minutes." I said and they start laughing. "When you going to stay out of work?" Erica asked. "Two weeks before I give birth. I hate staying home. And once I give birth I'm running to the gym." I rubbed my belly. "I'ma miss you tho." Erica hugged me and I start laughing. "I'll be right back." I laughed.

My child probably won't have no God parents but Kevin. I don't care about the bullshit he did because he obviously had his karma.

After work, Durk picked me up. "Wassup babe?" He asked as I got in the car. "Hey." I leaned in and kissed him. "How was work?" He asked. "Regular. We talked about the baby." I smiled. "Oh really?" He smiled and drove off. "I had picked up some more stuff for the baby." I said. "I need to pick some stuff up too. I haven't brought my baby shit." He said. "Exactly." I said and he looked at me and continued to drive. "So when are you going to buy my baby sonething?" I asked. "I don't know. I be working too much to shop." He said and I nodded my head. "That's why I'm glad I got this." I rolled my eyes. We got out the car and went in the house to mad baby things he brought. I start smiling. I was about to have a nasty ass attitude with him but he always come through. "This stuff is so cute." I smiled looking through the shirts and stuff. "You was probably just talking mad shit in your head." He laughed. "You know me sooo well." I laughed and kissed him. Then Monae called me. "Hello?" I answered. "You work tomorrow?" I asked. "No I'm off why wassup?" I answered. "Me, Lonnie and Kevin coming to spend the night." She said. "Alright." I smiled. She hung up. "I be back." Durk said grabbing his phone. "Where you going?" I asked. "To get Bella and Angelo." He said. "Why so late?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. Nikki probably stressing him out. "Monae, Lonnie and Kevin coning over." I said and he nodded his head and left out the house. I continued folding all my child clothes and put them up. "You're special." I spoke out loud to my child rubbing my belly.

"So what you having?" The voice scared me. I looked up and seen Jason standing there. I rubbed my eyes because this couldn't be true. "Jason?" I asked. "Yeah it's me, now like I said what you having?" He asked. "I don't know yet. I find out in two weeks." I said scared as hell. How the fuck he get in my house? "Why you don't look so happy to see me?" He asked walking up to me. "How did you get in my house?" I asked and he chuckled. "Don't worry about it. So that's Durk baby?" He went to touch my stomach and I swapped his hand away. "Don't touch me and yes it is." I rolled my eyes and he slapped the shit out of me. I grabbed my face. "Jason why would you--" he cut me off by grabbing my neck. "WHY WOULD YOU REALLY DO THIS TO ME?! HAVE A WHOLE CHILD WHEN THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE US?!" He shoved me and I banged my head. I was sooooooo scared. I start rubbing the back of my head. "Jason you cheated on me." I cried. "So did he!" Jason yelled in my face. I didn't know what to say, I was scared but trying not to be so it won't hurt my baby. "You can't have that baby on me Deja." He grabbed my head and put it with his. "I'm sorry Jason but I have to." I said. And he pushed my head. "No you don't!" He yelled. I banged my head once again. My phone was but so far away and I know if I've tried to reach it he'll probably kill me. "Like I said you not having that baby!" He raised his voice. "Why?" I said with tears pouring out of my eyes and my stomach turning. "Because this suppose to be my baby! Not his!" He hit me in my stomach and I fell. "Ouch, Jason please don't hurt my baby." I cried holding my stomach. "As bad as I don't want to, I have to take the baby from you." He said. I start crying hysterically.


"Daddy!" Angelo yelled when I walked through the door. "Wassup?" I picked him up. "I knew you was coming over." He was hype. "Yup I missed you and Bella." I said. "Bella was crying all day I think she was crying for you dad." He said taking my hat and putting it on his head. "Let me go see her." I said putting him down and he followed me. "Hey tink." I picked her up. I start kissing her cheek and shit. "Nikki why you didn't get them dressed?" I asked. "Because I want to talk to you first." She said with the towel wrapped around her body. "Aight I'ma be in the living room." I said with Angelo right behind me. "Like you ain't see this good shit before." She said and we both laughed as I continued to walk out the room. "Hurry up I don't want my kids out here late." I said. "Dad we going to your house?" Angelo asked looking up from his iPad. "I think so." I smiled and he start jumping up and down and dancing. I feel like calling Deja and seeing if she good but she be looking annoyed when I ask so I'ma leave her alone for a while. And plus she with Monae, Lonnie and Kevin so she good. I waited twenty minutes for Nikki to get ready and then I went back in the room. "Wassup talk to me." I sat on the bed. "Durk I really want to move but I know you won't be having that, but we have to do something because I don't want to be in NYC no more." She said "I don't know what you gonna do because I can't take no chance of you being mad one day and not letting me see my kids. Ya family already think I'ma dead beat." I said. "No they don't. I can show you my inbox of all them saying I only say that when I'm mad. I'm not gonna lie you take good damn care of your kids and I love you for that but I just can't do it here no more." She said. "So what you gonna do? I can't have my babies too far away" I said dead ass serious. "But you'll be fine when Deja have her child." Nikki rolled her eyes. "No I won't. These are my kids too and if I can't be with them I'll never be alright." I said raising my voice a little. "And that's why I don't wanna take them from you but what am I suppose to do?" She asked. "I don't know Nikki." I shook my head. "Alright I'm not gonna take them away just yet. I want us both to give it some thought and maybe we can stop arguing so much and see eye to eye and then we can have schedules for them." She said. "Yeah maybe." I shrugged and my phone start ringing and it was Monae. "Hello?" I answered. "DURK WHERE ARE YOU?! DEJA BLEEDING HALF TO DEATH! SHES BARELY BREATHING!" Monae screamed.

Different Stories (Lil Durk & Dej Loaf Fan Fic) Pt2Where stories live. Discover now