Episode One - Chapter One

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Disclaimer: We don't own TWDG!!! Also there are 3 of us (M: I love you guys!!) and we are posting this to wattpad too!

The story is set during season 2 after Clem and Christa were separated and she might have died (who knows really what happened though i mean i kinda wanna see her back for season 3)

Author bios:

M: I am the faggot one (its not offensive if im gay) and that's all you need to know

S: I am s (aka Shibe) I really fucking like Sebastian Stan And maymays. I really don't know why I'm here help :/ (please just fucking end me) ^~^

J: I am J and I am genderfluid. I am asexual and panromantic. I love to write and Lana Del Rae is my queen <3. I prefer the pronouns they/them. I love video games so if you want my Xbox or PS just ask!


SEASON 1, EPISODE 1, CHAPTER 1: when can i see you again?

Clem's POV (written by M and S)

My name is Clementine but i mean it doesn't really matter anymore does it? I have bright amber eyes which look like golden sunlight in the daytime that I got from my mother and crisp tan skin (I'm mixed if you were wonodering). I'm only eleven but I guess I look a lot older, since I had to grow up a LOT quicker than most kids before it all happened since it's been really difficult especially since my basically surrogate dad Lee and then my surrogates Christa and Omid died. Well, I'm not sure if Christa is 100% dead or not because that's the thing, she might be a walker or something if they didn't shoot her right (in the head cause that's how you stop someone from turning) when they shot her.

It all started two years ago when Lee found me but this story right here starts just yesterday when Christa and me were attacked by the bandits. Bandits are really fucking annoying because they got us kicked out of the motel all the way back and they got Duck bitten which made Kenny become very depressed and emo and cynical about eveyrthing when that happened (Katjaa shot herself too which made it even worse, wowzer i feel bad for him!!! I hope hses okay)

So anyway the bandits that ruined our life two years ago also ruined our lives again yesterday cause me and Christa tried to cook this thing that looked sort of like a dog (AN: it wasn't a dog, i know it was a weasel but Clem wasnt sure at the time like when luke asked her and she was uncertain). I guess the bandits were really fucking desperate and pathetic that they wanted to rob us like jackasses but I ran away from them except this pedophile called Winston went after me.

"Get back here you little tool!" he shouted. What a creeper. Thankfully I managed to beat him up (i had to bite his finger) and the walkers got him. It was majorly intense and I fell into the river and sort of forgot what happened afterwards, except I remember that they shot Christa and she fell over cause I was too scared to do anything when they were conversating with her (don't blame me! I wasnt thinking when i made that decision okay?) and she got shot and might have died or turned into a walker.

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