Episode One - Chapter Two

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Dempsey's POV (written by J)

It was getting dark out. Too dark. Like it wasn't pitch black out yet but I mean I could barely see. I was still able to see though, so I didn't trip a bunch of times.

I was look for my communist friend Nikolai. We had always fought the walkers together with our two friends, or as Nikolai would call them, our two comrades, Richthofen and Takeo. I would look for the two of them but Takeo died and he was really irrelevant and ugly. Richthofen was alive as far as I knew, but he went a-wall after shit happened. Long story short the apocalypse was his fault so if you have complaints about all the shit going down please send them to him.

I keep walking through this awfully humid forest. If I was with a smokin babe with a huge rack right now I know she'd be complaining about her godforsaken hair. That's all women do though. Complain. Nonstop. Maybe it's time I tried going for men. I mean, all the pretty girls died anyway.

"Holy shit," I mutter as I see a beacon of hope in the shape of an old wooden cabin. I walk to it. It was made of wood. Old wood. The kind of wood that's old.

I walked up the stairs that led to the wooden porch that led to the door that led to the inside of the cabin that led to safety. The porch was made of old wood, like the rest of the cabin. It reminded me of an old wooden cabin I had once stayed in while camping.

I finally make it to the door and start going inside. Immediately I see a black haired girl who was mixed and had golden eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" The preteen girl spats at me. She then points her gun at me. I would have grabbed my gun but I did not have time because she would have shot me if I had tried to pull it out.

"Outside now!" She says. I accept her command and go outside as she follows me outside the old wooden cabin.

"Get on your fucking knees," She commands. I comply.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" I ask in my gruff voice.

"I'm your worst nightmare. Don't ask me question I'll be the one asking!" She yells at me. "Now tell me before I shoot you, who are you?!"

I hesitate and she shoots next to my head.

"Tell me now!"

"My name is Dempsey, my friends call me Tank. I used to be part of the military. I'm just another survivor like you," I answer her. She shoots another bullet next to my head.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! What is going on here?" A guy runs out of the old wooden cabin. He is followed by more people.

"I'm just making sure this guy is safe," the girl says, but her voice was trying to be more pure now. She was fake. "He just walked straight into the cabin and I thought I could make sure he was okay.

"Clem, you've been part of our group for like 10 minutes. Why the fuck do you think you can do shit like this?" A guy with a mullet and a camo hat says. He was kind of attractive. I'm straight though.

"Nick back off!" Clem says. I take note of their names.

"Holy shit guys I think we are gonna have more problems!" Another guy says. He was fat and pale and looked like a tool. I turn to see multiple walkers. Not multiple. Millions. It seemed like billions were pouring out of the forest. That stupid girl Clem must have attracted them by shooting so many times.

"Holy shit guys get inside the cabin!" The pale, fat guy says. The other people run into the cabin and I try to run in after them but Clem locks the door behind me. I scowl at her but then try to reach for my gun. I realize that she must have taken it when I was kneeling on the ground.

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