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So we were off! We ran back to my house, but Rosalina just looked like she was floating. We got to the castle and stared. "Go on, I'll be right out here." Rosalina said as she gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and headed towards the door and rang the doorbell. I was just here, and now I have to make a fool of myself and come back?!

The door opened. "Luigi! you came back! I knew you weren't as 'manly' as I am, like when I go save my beloved Princess Peach." Did he seriously just say that to my face? "No, Mario, I'm still leaving, but uh..." Come on Luigi, think! What would Bowser want me to do... That's it! "Peach has been taken by Bowser AGAIN! Come with me, I know a shortcut!" I told him. Mario's eyes widened, and he started to panic. I ran back to Rosalina with Mario following me. "Mario, this is Rosalina, she will help us save Peach!" I gave Rosalina a wink to let her know what I was doing. She smiled, and winked back.

We quickly ran to Bowser's. Mario came bursting through the door. "YOU EVIL SCUM! GIVE ME MY PRINCESS PEACH!" he yelled. Bowser chuckled. "Mario, you fool. I don't have your Princess. You just fell into your brother's trap." Mario looked very confused. Bowser grabbed Mario and threw him in the basement. Mario's eyes widened in surprise as he got thrown. "Uh, we gave you what you wanted, could we have what we wanted now?" I asked. He glared at me. "Fine. It is only fair.", he went into the basement and threw out Wario and Waluigi. "WAHAAAAAAAH!!" They yelled out as they got thrown out of the basement.

"Wario! Waluigi! you were in there this whole time?" I asked them. "Weh, yeah. We had nowhere else to go." Said Waluigi in shame. "Wah", Wario said nodding in agreement. "Well, I'm just glad I found you two! I realized that you two are better than I thought." "You gave up your only brother to save us?" They asked. "Well, yeah, I guess I did." They both sighed in disapproval. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"Brothers are important! Me and Wario may not be brothers, but they're still important, just like friends." "Wah, me and Waluigi are the bestest of friends, we feel like brothers." Waluigi nodded in agreement. Then he said, "After all, me and Wario have tons in common!" I looked at them strangely. "Really? You guys do?" "Wah", Wario said. "Like what?", I asked. "Well, we are both unappreciated in our own ways." Wario nodded sadly. "But the point is, brothers may not seem to care for one another sometimes, but they still love you!" "Ye, and even though Mario seemed to be very mean, and you were very mad at him, and this may feel good now, but soon you will feel very lonely and bad for what you have done, even if you do think he was a total jerk." Wario lectured.

"Brothers also mainly do stuff like that to tease and act tough. So maybe he was going through a phase." Oh no, I just put my brother in great danger. now what was I suppose to do? Hes with Bowser probably getting seriously hurt, and I'm here doing nothing about it. "Oh, no. This is all my fault!" "Weh." They both said. "Not helping.." I said. "Sorry." I had to go help him somehow! But who would want to help me? Rosalina put her hand on my shoulder. "I think I know some people that could help."

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