Chapter 6

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Cameron's POV

"Alright I have one." Matt says. "Is it weird i ship Jack G and Ayla together? What would their ship name be?" Matt smirked.

'Even fans think they look good together, ugh but I just won't butt in yet. When we get back home and they get together ill strike.' I think to myself.

I turn to Ayla as her face is red. Very red.

Ayla's POV.

I felt so red like a volcano just exploded on my face.

"Well I think only you guys can answer that question." Says Taylor.

"Ye-yeah." I say starting to cool down.

After about answering 10 more questions, we decided it was time to go to bed.

BEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP. My alarm was going

"AHHHH." I say screaming. And I look up it was already 9 o'clock. They guys were already ready and just sitting and talking.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" I say grabbing my phone and rushing to the bathroom.

*About an 45 later.*

I put on a pair of high waisted shorts, a black slouch sweater with a tumblr moon design, and a pair of white converse. I just put my hair in a messy sock bun and put some eyeliner, mascara, and some foundation.

I walk out of the bathroom with my phone in my hands.

"It's about time!" Carter says.

"Why we're you guys still here? Y'all could've gotten something to eat." I say sitting down.

"Well Taylor says we couldn't leave you. Your moms rules." Carter says stating at Taylor.

"My mom doesn't have any rules besides always keeping our phones with us." I say.

"Ugh. Well let's go eat. We have an hour." Matt says rushing out the door.

We all went to go to go to McDonalds. I wasn't really in the mood.

"I'll go order the food." I say.

"I'll come with." Carter says.

"What's wrong?" Carter whispers in my

"I just need coffee." I say whispering back.

"Pure white girl." He laughs loud. And everyone stares at him.

I give the lady the orders and wait there.

"So what's up?" I say patiently waiting.

"Nothing. Just wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out after the meet and great?" He questions.

"Listen Carter I think you're a great guy. But I like Jack." I say.

"I know, I know, I didn't mean like that. I just wanted to chill ya know?" He says laughing.

"Oh okay. Haha." I laugh.

"Can I have your number?" He says handing me his phone.

I nod and hand him mine.

We walk back to the table and they were vining. Of course.

"Finally!" They all say.

We get done eating and make it to the hotel right on time.

There was like 1000 probably more girls there. I couldn't handle it.

I took so many pictures and signed a bunch of things. It was exhausting.

Carter's POV.

"Let's go?" I say to Ayla.

"Yup." She says smiling.

"Where do you wanna go?" She asks as we walk out of the hotel.

"Just on a walk at the park." I say.

"So how've you been?" She asks.


We sit on a bench and just start asking questions. We started to get to know each other a lot better and had a lot of laughs.

"Ayla?" I say.

"Yeah?" She says looking at me.

"I hope we become best friends." I say talking to smiling.

"I kinda thought we already were." She chuckles.

"Then I guess we are." I laugh.

Her smile goes away.

"Carter?" She's says.

"Yeah?" I say concerned.

"Can you make a promise?" She says looking a her feet.

"Yeah." I say.

"Promise me that we'll always be friends?" She says looking at me.

"I promise." reaching my arms out to give her a hug.

She hugs me back.

I think I love her. But not like the
girlfriend way. I love her like a sister.


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