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Dear Ate.

I have a so called friend who gets mad at me because I didn't let him copy my answers in our exam. So as a revenge, he announced to the whole class that I'm making an issue of him, like he's a cheater, that he always copy, when actually I didn't do it. So I didn't talk to him for a while, he said sorry so I accepted it. But then again yesterday, he made fun of me again, he posted a bad stolen shot of me. I really feel humiliated, I don't know now what to do with this immature insensitive so called friend, I need your advice po. Thank you.

First of all, I wanna commend you for not letting him copy your answers in your exam, you did the right thing. It's not your obligation to do so whether he's a friend or a family related. Your parents are not sending you to school to tolerate such person, you are there to learn and to prepare for your future. Don't let someone's bad doings ruin your character, stay and be firm with what you believe is right. Whatever he do so to ruin your image, don't forget that no one can take a good person down. Secondly, he's not a friend at all, because if he was, he won't do such shameful and degrading acts towards a friend. Lastly, if he continues to make fun of you in whatever ways he wants, let him be, don't mind him. As long as you know the truth, yourself and your true friends and family supports and love you, he's nothing. And if you show that you don't care, eventually sooner he'll stop and realizes that he made a mistake towards a good person. Cheer up, continue that way, don't go with the flow of the "kopyahan" society nowadays. Pray for him, that's the last thing you'll do for him.

I hope, this could help you feel better. God bless you.

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