How Do You Meet?

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How do you meet?



In a Vans shop. You worked in the shop while he was looking through some clothing racks.

 “Excuse me, but do you have these in size 8?” He asked. You looked up. He was a very hot boy. You blushed. “Yes, I’ll look.” You mumbled. When you came back, you handed him the shoes. He didn’t even look.

“I’m Luke.” He said. “I’m Y/N.” You replied. “Beautiful name.” Luke said grinning. “Can I take you out for a coffee?” Luke asked suddenly. You blushed. “My break is in ten minutes.” You said.

“See you then?” Luke asked. “See you then.” You confirmed.


At his football game. You were cheering for your brother. You didn’t even know why you were cheering. They didn’t need it. They were too good, they totally crushed the other team.

After the match, your brother asked you if you wanted to come to the party. You nodded, hot boys and drinks? Why not.

Once at the party, you were all alone.

“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?” You heard someone whisper in your ear. You turned around. “Hi, I’m Calum.” He said. “I’m Y/N.” You mumbled. “Your eyes are the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen.” Calum said to you.

You blushed, you were never good with compliments. “Dance with me?” Calum asked. You nodded and followed him.

After that, he asked your number and you kept talking to each other. After a month, Calum had the courage to ask you out and the rest is history.


“That’s Ashton.” You told Y/F/N. She groaned. “I know. You told me too many times.” She said. “I’m going to meet him, you know. Meet and greet.” You said proudly. “Good for you. I am more a Sleeping With The Sirens girl.” Y/F/N mumbled.

You knew that, but still ignored it. You hated Sleeping With The Sirens. “Well. I’m going, bye.” You said and left to your Meet and Greet.

Once there, you looked at the boys. You could say something to them. Ask for a autograph. Anything.

“Hello beautiful, what’s your name?” Ashton asked. “Y/N.” You mumbled. “Beautiful name.  “I’ll follow you on Twitter.” Ashton said. You said your twitter name and Ashton immediately followed you.

After a few days, you two started to DM. He wanted to meet you and of course you said yes. That was also the night you two kissed and the night you were Ashton Irwin’s secret girlfriend.


At the McDonald’s. You ordered a big Mac menu. Not caring about the calories. “That’s a big burger for a small girl.” Someone said behind you. You turned around. A drop dead gorgeous boy was standing there.

“Ooh, you want to help me eat it?” You asked sarcastically. “Sassy, I like it.” The boy said laughing. “My name is Y/N.” you said sharply. “I’m Michael and yes, I would love to eat that burger with you.” He said.

“I’m sorry, maybe next time.” You said before you wanted to walk away. “Yes, let’s make it a next time.” Michael said. “Here’s my number.” Michael said and gave you a piece of paper. You quickly wrote down yours and walked away, grinning.

You got yourself a date.


at home

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