How He Kisses You

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  How he kisses you



Luke isn’t really fond of PDA. When he sees you in public he would just peck your cheek, but as soon as you two are home, he would kiss you hard and with passion.


He’s a little overprotective. You didn’t mind of course. When Calum sees a boy looking at you, he would wrap his arm around your waist and kiss you cheek. If the boy doesn't stop looking, he would just give you a deep and intense kiss.


Ashton is the kind of guy that would leave sweet kisses on you cheek and on your head, always leaving you with wanting more. Ashton wants you to start kissing him.


He would just press his lips against yours, against your neck, against your head. He loved to show you he loved you. Not that you ever doubted him.


at home

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