He Finds Something Out Of Your Past

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You were sitting on the couch, going through the magazine you just bought, when Luke walked in. "Y/N?" He asked carefully. You looked up, surprised at the tone of his voice. "People on Twitter sent me this picture." He said, holding up his phone were you had your dyed blue and fake tattoos all over your arm. It wasn't a fan made. It was how you liked to go to school when you were little. All you could do was face palm. It was kinda embarrassing. Luke just stared at you. "Is it fan made or.." Luke trailed off. Not wanting to lie to Luke, you shook your head. "That's me when I was around fifteen years old. I liked to pretend to be a rebel." You muttered. The look on Luke's face was priceless and you bursted out laughing.

Ashton- (Y/EBF/N is your ex boyfriend's name)
You were humming Amnesia, ignoring your phone that just didn't want to stop ringing. You knew who was calling but you refused to answer. Apparently Ashton got annoyed and answered before you even could stop him. "Hey mate, stop calling. Y/N doesn't want to talk to you." Ashton snapped. He listened to your ex on the other side and then hung up. Ashton turned around and looked at you. "And you never told me?" He asked a little surprised. You sighed. "There's a reason I didn't tell you ashton. You are my first. Just not boyfriend." "Why didn't you tell me?" Ashton frowned. "Y/EBF/N turned me into someone I didn't like. I like who I am now." And with that said, you kissed him.

You two were four months into your relationship and so far you could hide it pretty well, but one day, he finally found out. You were in your underwear, you just took a shower. You didn't expect someone to walk in, but Calum did. Of course you didn't immediately think of your scars, but you knew when you heard him make a noise, that he found out. He pulled you into his arms and lightly traced the scars. "When baby?" He mumbled in your ear. "Two years ago I went through a rough path in my life." You mumbled. "he kissed your shoulder and whispered in your ear, "Know you're worth it and that there's no reason to hurt yourself. You're beautiful."

Michael-  (DOD --> Dungeons and Dragons)   (Y/G/N is Your Gamers Name)                                            You dated someone who loved gaming. What you didn't tell him was who you were on DOD. Someone who had won multiple game events. No one really knew who you were. You liked to keep it that way. However, one day, you were in your room, when he just marged in. He saw you gaming on your computer and he immediately made the link. You were (Y/G/N). "It's you?" Michael asked in disbelief. You looked up and quickly shut the game off, but you already knew it was too late. "Yeah, it's me." You mumbled. "Why have you never told me?" Michael asked, crossing his arms. You just shrugged. "I don't know, I've never told anyone, I didn't know if I was supposed to say anything, so I didn't." Michael kissed the top of your head. "If anything, I think it's cool!"


another one! yup! I wrote two today! it was actually pretty hard.... please vote? maybe suggest what next I should write? I don't do personal images anymore, sorry. 

anyways, as you all know, I write these myself! so please give me some credit for that?

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