Wearing his clothes

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Wearing his clothes


You looked through your closet. Nothing. Nothing to sleep in. It was like someone ate your sleep shirts, because they were all gone.

You sighed and took a shirt from Luke, your boyfriend from ten months. You two were living together and it was all cosy and homey, your apartment.

You put it on and went back to the living room. You just wanted to wear your.pyjamas already.

"Is that my shirt?" You heard Luke saying. You just nodded and looked at him with fear.  "It looks good on you. Keep it on." Luke said smiling.

You smiled too, happy he wasn't mad.


"Not again!" Calum shouted. You just giggled and started to run. You were wearing Calum's favourite snapback. He always said he didn't like it when you were wearing it, but you knew he secretly liked it.

Calum was chasing you, hoping he would get his hat back. Suddenly, you tripped and fell.with your hands in a path with little rocks.

Your hands were bleeding, but you couldn't stop laughing. "Babe, are you okay?" Calum asked worried.

When he saw your bloody hands. He helped you up and the two of you ran back to the house.

"See, that's why you never should steal my snapbacks." Calum said teasingly and he gave you a sweet kiss.


Again, Ashton had thrown your hair bands out again. He always did it secretly, he didn't like your hair tied up.

You sighed. Why did he always do that? He knew you needed them. He knew you didn't like your hair loose.

You saw his bandana and grinned. You grabbed it and tied your hair in a bun.

"Ash, we can go now. I want some coffee." You said. Ashton looked up and saw your hair.

"How, how did you..." Ashton trailed off. You grinned. "I know you threw them out, again. I'm wearing a bandana." You said laughing.

"It's my bandana, but keep it. It looks better on you than on me." Ashton said.

He kissed you softly and grabbed your hand.


You were wearing his top. Well, you weren't sure it was Michael's top. Him and the band mates shared tops and shirts together.

You loved the top so much, that you wore it with a mini skirt under it.

"Y/N, you.. you look so hot." Michael stuttered when he saw you. You grinned.

"I know right, better on me than on you?"  "Yes, way better on you." Michael muttered.

He grabbed you by your waist and kissed you with so much passion, you knew what he wanted.

"Babe, just telling you. That top is from Calum."

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