Cinnamon challenge!

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Ivor: why couldn't you guys leave me outside? I was happy out there...
Jess: well we can't draw another card without you!
Jesse: my sister's right. You can't just run away.
Ivor:  ...
Ivor: just pull the stupid card.
Lukas: okay *pulls out card* it's from xXXToxic_WasteXXx , and says that we all have to do the.... Cinnamon challenge?
Olivia: NO WAY
Lukas: what's the cinnamon challenge?
Axel: *facepalms*
Petra: you'll see.
Lukas: *sweats* okay...
(A few minutes later- everybody is lined up at a big table, their cinnamon in front of them)
MintyStarfish28 (that's me): alright so. For those of you who don't know the cinnamon challenge- it's where you stuff a teaspoon of cinnamon in your mouth, and try to swallow it.
Aiden: what year are we in? It's 2016!
Maya: *holds up soup ladel* and this isn't even a teaspoon! It's a whole freaking half- cup full of cinnamon!
MintyStarfish28: okay. So I thought about making y'all do the "safe" cinnamon challenge. But why play it safe, when I can laugh at your pain!... I'm evil...
Jess: I don't even know why Aiden and the blaze rods are here. There supposed to be in the sky city world, anyway.
MintyStarfish28: and Ellegaard is supposed to be dead. I could just make her disappear in a snap.
Ellegaard: please! Don't do that! I like being alive again! ...even if it is to be tortured by spices...
MintyStarfish28: okay. So when I say "go", y'all stuff the cinnamon in your mouths and try to swallow it.
Sorren: what if we need water?
Magnus: yeah! I'm not letting cinnamon best me.
MintyStarfish28: you can't have any water or any form of drink.
Gill: you can't take away our drinking privileges!
MintyStarfish28: I can too! Look- I dumped all the water and milk in this house down the sink- and I turned off the tap as well.
Ivor: no matter. I'll just drink one of my potions.
MintyStarfish28: I took your potions too, Ivor.
Ivor: WHAT?! *searches pockets*
Ivor: curses under his breath*
Aiden: SHUT UP GILL *punches gill*
Gill: Oww..
Petra: none of this is hardly fair.
MintyStarfish28: what's that? I can't her you over all my DON'T CARE!
Ivor: just get it over with!
Lukas: this sounds painful. I'm not doing it.
MintyStarfish28: if you don't do it- I'll make you go into the town square wearing a unicorn onesie, holding a sign that says "I'm in love with a cactus"
Lukas: *turns red* I don't love a cactus...
MintyStarfish28: THREE
MintyStafrish28: TWO
MintyStarfish28: ONE-
MintyStarfish28: GO!
*everybody stuffs cinnamon in their mouths*
Ivor: *spits cinnamon out*
(Soon the room is filled with orange clouds of cinnamon)
Jess: *cough* *cough*
Petra: IM *cough* *hack* DY- ING! *hack*
Aiden: *coughing and dying while cursing*
Axel: THIS *cough* *hack* *cough* IS HELL!
Olivia: SOME- *cough* BODY KILL ME
Sorren: I'D RATHER *sputter* *hack* KISS *cough* SALLY
Ellegaard: WHY?! *coughs*
Magnus: I *hack* *hack* DON'T- *cough* EV- *sputter* LIKE CINNA-*Cough* -MON!
Lukas: AGGH! *coughs* I... *sputters* THIS IS *hack* *hack* AWFUL- *cough* *cough*
Gabriel: *coughing and crying*
Harper: *cursing at the top of her lungs while trying not to die*
Jesse: I'M *hack* NEVER EATING *cough* CINNAMON AGAIN!
Jess: *dying* *vomits*
MintyStarfish28: uh...
MintyStarfish28: I'm gonna go now...
MintyStarfish28: yeah...  *slowly backs out of room*

I hope you guys enjoyed this... I had to watch a ton on Cinnamon Challenge videos, and at each one- I cringed, and I kept saying sorry over and over again at the screen. I personally hate cinnamon, I hate it with a passion- and so I haven't watched many videos on the challenge, or have attempted to do it.
So that was fun to write. Let me know your questions or dares for the MCSM crew!

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