Chapter 1

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"Miss Zendaya!You're up in 5!"Says a stage director."Alright!"She said as her make-up was getting ready by her make-up artists.

"Alright,Miss Zendaya!You're done!"Her make-up artist said holding up the mirror to show her face.She smiled her number 1 stage and award winning smile.

"Great work,Alexa!"Zendaya said.The girl smiles.She gets up from her seat and headed towards to the main stage.

"Where is Miss Zendaya?"The director said."I'm here,Dan!Not to worry!"She said as she took her seat."Amazing.Always here at the right time."The director,Dan,said.

"Thanks."She said getting her papers ready."We're in 5..."said one of the camera men.




"1..."She whisper as she smiled and the audience went wild.

"Good morning,L.A!I'm Zendaya Coleman,host of the,'L.A Mornings'.Today we have a special guest.We will be having him on later in our show.But before we do any that,who here is aware or knows YouTube?"

The whole crowd cheers."So,everybody here watches YouTube?"

The crowd cheers again."Well,I'm not going to tell you who our special guest is,but I will tell you that he is a well known on YouTube.And believe me guys,I have absolutely have NO idea who we have today.Since we always keep it a surprise.Even for myself."

The crowd cheers."But,we're going to get to that later in the show.Anyways..."

Zendaya talked about some juicy gossip on celebrities,topics,etc.But,now it was time to bring in the special guest.

"Okay.We will now bring in our special guest.He is very well know for YouTube.He is the funniest YouTuber know in the world.He lives here in L.A.Give it up for...."

The crowd is silent to hear who the special guest was.

"Pewdiepie!She said.The crowd goes wild as man with blondish hair that was brushed to the side,and navy blue eyes walks in.Zendaya stand from her seat to shake hands with him.Both of them exchange a few words.

Zendaya sit back down in her seat as the man know as,Pewdiepie,sits next to her.

"How's it going?"He says and the crowd,mostly the girls,went crazy.He had a Swedish accent.

"Wow.It seems you have A LOT of fan-girls out there."Zendaya said."Yes.It seems so,but they all,"He said pointing at the crowd,"Know that I have a girlfriend."But I love all my bros who support me."

"Amazing.Now,I'm just very happy to have you here today on my show."She said."Well,it's a pleasure to be here."He said.

So,the interview went on until it ended.

"Now I want to thank you all for watching ,and I want to thank Pewdiepie for being here here.Let's give another round of applause for him!"She said.The audience cheer and clap and whistle.

After the show,Zendaya went home at around 11 at night since she  had meetings.This was Zendaya's daily life everyday.And she was pretty used it to.She was never into relationships ever since high school.

Zendaya promised herself that she would never fall in love again.But,maybe that ways just what she wanted to tell herself.Because on one faithful day,her promise might turn around.

My old "Friend" (Markiplier X Zendaya Colemean)Where stories live. Discover now