Chapter 7

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I look at the audience with a small smile and little wave.They respond to a short cheer and I chuckle lightly and looked back at Zendaya.She looks at me and smiles as she held a stack of questions.

"But before we get to the questions,do you mind telling us your background information about yourself?It doesn't have to be anything personal or anything.Just your career and hobby.Something like that."She continues to look at me as I looked at the camera and audience.

"Well,to start off,I was just a regular kid back then.And,I went through a lot in my years before YouTube.I wouldn't be here and be that person that I am if it weren't for the support family and friends have given me.There's not really much to my past;I wouldn't want to go too deep into my past but yeah..."I'm quiet for a moment,"But I just wish my father was here to see all of the accomplishments I had made and to see who I've become.He died from cancer..."

'Why am I even telling this story?Everyone knows this story...Zendaya  knows this story...She knows it too well...'

"After his death...I wasn't myself.I lost everything.Especially that special person that I loved..."I paused.

'No,Mark...Don't bring Zendaya into this...'

"What do you mean by that,Mark?"Zendaya asks as she looks at me.I looked her,confusion and sadness in her eyes.

"Well,I had no idea what I had back them.Wasn't thinking straight,but once I realized what I had then,it was too late.I ended our relationship.And I've been in many breakups,but this breakup was such a big impact on me.I never saw her in years,pretty much forgotten about her from being so caught up in my YouTube career,"I sighed,"But you know,what else is there to do.It was my mistake."I look at Zendaya  to see that she teared up slightly.

"Oh,I'm sorry,"Sh sniffed as she wiped her eyes."That's just so sad..."I nod as I looked at her pitifully as the crowd,"Awed".

"Yeah."I didn't know what to do as she teared up a little more."Hey.Enough for me.L-Let's get to the questions,"I said with a smile,trying to lighten the mood.She smiles slightly.

"Y-Yes!Of course."She said as she went back to normal and took out  some cards.I breathe a sigh of relief silently as I watched her.

So that's how it went.We answered some questions,talked,laughed.It was actually pretty fun.But all that fun had to come to an end.

"Alright,"Zendaya sighs."I believe out time is up."

"I believe it is."I said.

"So there we  have it folks!"Zendaya said looking at the camera."I'm very happy to have Markiplier here today.Thanks!"

"You'r welcome.Thank you for having me."I said with smile,she returns it as she looked back at the camera.She did her outro and the show was over.Zendaya stood from her seat and so did I.I walked over he,"Look,"I said quietly,"I'm sorry about earlier in the show...I didn't-"

"I-it's fine,Mark.I'm sorry you had to bring it up..."She said quietly but never looked up at me.I bite my lips and looked around as the crew members were wrapping up.

I looked back at her,"Hey,um,Zendaya?"

"Yeah?"She asks,slightly glancing up at me.I sheepishly rub the nape of my neck as my other hand was in my pocket.

"I was,um,wondering if...oh I don't know...would like to hang out...later.I mean,If your schedule's free.Like I don't have anything to do later..."I said awkwardly.Looking away,embarrassed kind of.

"Like...a date almost?"She asks with a brow raised.

I blushed just slightly."Yeah-I-I mean you don't have to!I mean,not like I don't want you too.But then again-"I didn't know what to said but she cut me off.

"I guess we could hang out..."She said looking at me.I look at her and I see a tint of pink on her cheeks.I smile slightly." 

"Really?"I asked.

"Mhm."Zendaya nods a small smile was seen in her lips.

"Heh.So,what would you like to do?"

"Well,I have some errands to run...But,I'm free later this afternoon.At like six..."She said rubbing her arms.


"Sounds good."

"I'll come by you place to pick you up?"

"Mhm."She nods.I smile and she smiles back."I should be going..."

"Oh uhm yeah."I laugh slightly started to step away."So later.Dinner.Pick you six.At your place."

She starts to step too."Perfect.So,see ya."


We smile as continued to step back,looking at each other and smiling before turning around and heading our own ways.I went outside,looking around to see if anyone was  nearby before doing a small victory dance.I then stopped and quickly headed to my car with wide grin on my face.I have never felt this happy before in my life.Now all I have to do was to make a few videos,get ready for dinner,and pick up Zendaya up.I might actually have a chance with her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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