Chapter 6

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{The Next Day}                                                                                                                                                                        Mark's POV                                                                                                                                                                  I arrived to the destination of the stage number of Zendaya's show would be.I parked my car and stepped out my car.Closing the door behind me and locked my car as I headed to Stage 4.

I go through the door.I looked around,stage crew members were bustling around as I looked around.

"Excuse me!Sir!"I hear a voice behind me.I looked over and see a man pointing at me."May I ask who are you?"He ask me.

"Oh I'm Mark Fischback. Markiplier."

"Oh so you're the special YouTuber guest today."

"If you put it that way then yes."I nod."Hey um do you know where-"I was then immediately  taken to the dressing room."Alright."

Once there,I'm slightly pushed in and sat down.

"Please wait here sir.I'll get Miss Coleman."He leaves before I can answer,closing the door behind him.I sat there in slight confusion then shrugged.I looked at the mirror in front of me.I looked around as I waited.

I hear a few knocks in my door."Com in,"I said.The door opens and I looked over to Zendaya at the door."Oh hey Zendaya."I smiled slightly at the sight her.

"Hey,Mark."She smiles slightly too and walks in.She closes the door behind her,takes a chair and pulls in up in front of me.She sits down and looks at me."So,how was your morning so far?"

"It was good.How was your morning,Zendaya?"

 "Meh."We laugh slightly."Anyways,today isn't really that isn't really that hard.All you have to do is to answer some questions.But before we do that,we're going to talk about your background information.Like your past life.And then their would be questions by the audience and such.ANd don't be nervous,"she finishes smiling.

I smile as well,"I'm never nervous."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah,"I said with a smirk.

"Alright,Mr.I'm-So-Confident,"she laughs slightly.I laughed slightly as well.We looked at one another for a small moment until someone called he."Oh,I have to go.See you later."She said standing.

"Oh yeah later."I said giving a small smile.She does the same and leaves.I turn in the TV which showed Zendaya walking up to the stage.

"We're on in 4...3...2...1!"Said one of the stage crew.

"Good morning L.A.!I'm Zendaya Coleman,host of 'LA Mornings'.Today we have a special guest.And we all remember when we had a YouTuber here at our studio by the name of the name of PewDiePie.Who remembers?"

"The audience cheers,"WOOOOH!"

She laughs slightly,"We will have him up later on after we cover the hot topics." 

I smile slightly and watched as I waited to got up.

{Mini Time skip brought to you by Scent-O-Iplier:The New Markiplier  Fragrance}

After awhile,"Mr.Markiplier?"A man knocks on my door.

"Yeah?"I said opening the door.

"You're up in five,"he said."Well,less than but but in one."

"Oh okay,"I said stepping out.The man takes me backstage on where I come in.I could hear Zendaya talking.

"So now that we got everything covered,I believe it is time,"She said smiling,the smile that I loved the most about her,"It's time bring our special guest!"

The audience claps.

She laughs slightly."Now our special guest in another well known YouTuber.He has eleven million subscribers,almost to twelve million.He lives here in LA.What fan-girls call a heart-throb YouTuber for his voice and looks.Give it up for...Markiplier!"She said.

The audience goes crazy as I walked onto the stage.Zendaya stands from her seat to shake my hand.I shake it and she whispers in my ear,"Just pretend we don't already know a lot about each other..."She pulls away and I nod.She sits back down and I do too in the seat next to her desk.

"Hello everybody!"I said with a smile.The audience cheers and claps.I laugh slightly.

"How are you,Mark?"


"Peachy if you ask me."

"That's good.Well thank you for having me."

"No thank you for being here!It's really an awesome experience for myself and my audience to have another YouTuber here."She smiles.

"Well,it's great to be here."

"So,Mark.How about we get started?"

"Alright!"I said smiling.She smiles back and take papers out.So it has begun.

My old "Friend" (Markiplier X Zendaya Colemean)Where stories live. Discover now