a single kiss

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~~~~~Picture of Alexia and Jonathan above ~~~~~

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~~~~~Picture of Alexia and Jonathan above ~~~~~

My alarm clock begins to ring and I slap it of my night stand. Yea i'm grumpy i no , but it is my first day back at school so its understandable. Jumping up i do my normal morning routine and get dressed into black tights, white tank top, dark blue jumper throw-over, and my black converses. I leave my hair down since its wet and i don't feel like having to tame its wild curls right now , i would wear my glasses but i cant find them and i'm too late too go searching for them so i go to my last resort , contacts! Quickly putting them in i head down stairs eat breakfast and head to school in my car. Tera is taking Maisie to school today cause its parents day . Driving into the school parking lot i take my normal parking spot and get out. Everyone has changed quite a lot this summer break , i even promised lexi i would at least try look nice at school, i no crazy right. Meeting lexi outside school i walk in with her to our lockers which are right next to each other , we kinda bribed the office to let us be together, and almost all our lessons are together except two or three of them. I open my locker to find someone closing it for me just as i open it , turning to the culprit my mouth falls open when im staring at the three most bad guys at this school , number one is Hayden Naismith , number one jerk at this school yet all the girls fall at his feet like he's pizza or something ( no one is better then pizza, pizza is bae ) Then there is Blake Curt and Nathan trews, Hayden's best buds .

"What can i do for you Hayden, besides letting you waste my perfectly good time with your useless words!" I say cheekily , he thinks he's so perfect but im not taking any of his shit .

His mouth falls down but he quickly recovers with," Ouch that really hurt me here len," pointing to his heart.

"Its Lennon to you , only my friends have the privilege of nicknames ." I snap back.

"Alright , alright i just came over to say..." he grabs me by my waist and pushes me against the locker whispering in my ear ," you look very sexy today!"

I push him back with all my strength and tell him to ,"piss off!" He just smirks at me and walks away with his friends as i open my locker once again but before they get far Blake pats my arse . I grab a bottle from inside my locker and grab Blake's t-shirt hiding the bottle behind me and push him against the locker . I push my body right against him and whisper , was that nice ? he gives a curt nod but before getting off him i pour my whole water bottle over his head .

"You little bitch," he says while i quickly grab my books and take lexi by the hand dragging her to homeroom. Looking back i see Hayden and Nathan literally on the floor laughing there arses off. I giggle and turn to lexi.

"That was amazing , what happened to you during summer break?" She asks tears streaming down her cheeks from laughing so hard .

"I guess i decided not to take shit form anyone anymore, especially not them!"i say grinning.

"Oh goodness i love this side of you Len ." she stutters still trying not to laugh.

"Me too," I say taking a seat in homeroom.

I guess your wondering why i dislike those boys so much well let me explain so when i was thirteen i was quite popular and i was in there group. I was dating Kyle star at the time He 's one of the most popular jocks in school besides Hayden. And when my mom died i didn't come to school for a while and when i did i found out Kyle was sleeping with some other whore and then they all started disowning me and I figured out that being popular has no meaning. So Lexi and i left the populars and did our own thing.

The days gone by quite quickly and i keep getting dirty stares from Blake but he deserved it , douche bag! The bell rings for lunch but i have to go to the music room because the music teacher asked for me so leaving lexi i head for the music room , on the way to the music room i feel a hand tug on mine , i turn to face him........

"Kkkyle ?" I stutter hating that he can still get to me by one touch,"What do you want," I say trying not to stutter.

"I miss you Len, I miss your kisses and the way it felt to touch you , I miss you and your beautifull eyes that draw me in ."He says looking at me deeply.

" Well you should of thought about that before you cheated on me," I say trying to remove my hand from him but he wouldn't let go.

"Listen Len , I'm so sorry i was drunk and wasn't thinking and i don't no what to do without you anymore ."

"Kyle i needed you most in that time peri..." I was stopped short when his lips met mine , kissing me passionately i began to kiss back our lips moving together in sync , it felt amazing but my thoughts soon came back and i pulled away from his warm touch ,"I-I-I can't Kyle , you hurt me so much !"

"I no Len and i'm so sorry but could you at least think about giving me another chance ?" He asks with pleading eyes.

"I-I-I will think about it," i say quietly.

He gives me a small smile and i head to my car , i cant be here right now i need to go home and think. I quickly message lexi and tell her i'm going home and that she must call me tonight so i can tell her what happened. Once i get home i head to my room and lie on my bed.

Kyle what are you doing to me !

~~~~~I no its quite short but i promise the next one will be longer i hope you enjoyed it . What's Lennon going to do about Kyle ? and why is Hayden taking a sudden interest in Lennon ? You'll just have to find out.~~~


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