Great , he's my lab partner!

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~~~~~Lennon and Maisie singing above~~~~~~~~

Recap: He wipes the tear away and pulls my chin so that i face him and electricity burns through my body at his touch. He leans in a little and i feel his breathe tickle my lips , he moves closer and turns to my ear and whispers,"He's not worth your tears." He stands and offers his hand , i take it and stand with him . We make our way back to the party .

"thank you ," I say making him stop in his tracks ,he looks at me and gives a nod . I then head off to find lexi . I spot her talking to Damon sprouse from the rugby team , she giggles and then flips her hair . Hmmmm she must really like him and her flirting is on point. I let out a cough to catch her attention .

"Oh hey Len , This is Damon but im sure you no him," she says nervously playing with her hands.

"Hey Damon ," i say trying not to laugh.

"Hey Lennon , so did you agree to get back together with Kyle ?" He asks winking.

I look at him with a blank stare and roll my eyes and say ,"I'll meet you at the car in 5 lexi , just got to find my bag ,"I turn around and walk away.

But not before hearing Damon say,"Did i say something wrong ?" i roll my eyes and make my way upstairs where i think i left my bag in the loo.

I walk past a couple making out and they look like they are about to rip each others clothes off! I laugh , teenage hormones these days , they can barely keep it in there pants.

Once i get my bag i head down stairs and head to the car , after about 10 minutes of waiting for lexi i decide to start walking home , about five minutes of walking i hear a car behind me and its stops beside me .

Hayden sticks his head out the window saying,"Hope in cupcake !"

I don't say no because firstly its freezing and secondly my house is really far.

"Thanks ."I say with a smile.

"Not a problem , cupcake so where am i going ?"

"Um just follow this road and ill tell you when to turn when we get there," I I point ahead of us.

"Alrightyo, So why were you walking home , it seems like a pretty far walk?"

"Well I was waiting for lexi but she takes forever so i decided to walk , not my greatest idea."I say laughing at the end.

"Oh guess she was a little busy with Damon."

"Yea guess so , um turn right here." I say pointing to the approaching corner.

"So i have a question," he says smirking.

Damn did i mention he is hot when he smirks, no i did not just think that , " Shoot!"I answer.

"Why did Kyle say you were his after inserting his fist into my face? I didnt no you guys were dating?"

"We're not !" i say instantly , curling my fists," He just asked for a second chance."

"Oh alright, wait second chance , since when ?"he says taking his eyes of the road for a second and then fixing them back on the road.

"Um, when we were thirteen,"I say quietly , reliving those awful days in my head."Its the house to the left ."

He parks outside my house ," Here you go cupcake , hope you had a great time." he says winking at me .

"I did and thanks for um dropping me off." i say jumping out the car.

I close the door and he zooms off, i enter my house quietly and head up to Maisie's room opening the door i walk up to her bed to find her fast asleep but holding a picture of our mom tight in her arms , gently pulling it out her arms i look at. Her beautiful brown eyes and long ,thick, lively hair. her smile that makes you want to smile.

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