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{A/n: play track above to go along with the first part of the chapter}


The shining of sunlight streaming through the translucent royal curtains is what woke me up out of my dreamless slumber. Stretching my limbs as far as they possibly could, my toes curled as an exhausted yawn comes from deep within my essence.

Finally coming to terms of being fully awakened, a slinky simper tugs gently at the edges of my plump lips as the beating of another's heart underneath me gave way to where I was. The warmth of his body radiated through mine, our legs entangled as we held unto each other urgently; the silk mauve sheets joining our disoriented state.

Straining my eyes to glance up at his peaceful face, I smile warmly to see how calm he appeared as his lengthy lashes extenuated his innocent-like aura. Even though the activities we were partaking of just a few hours ago wouldn't be deemed as such.

Caressing his cheek ever so gently, my hand brushes against the scratchy stubble he didn't even bother to shave these past couple of days. It was nice to be the only one who gets to see him in times where he's not always polished or has makeup covering his already flawless skin. I loved seeing him in raw moments like this.

My finger rolled lazily over his toned chest as I admired the luminescence of his olive skin in the morning light; how it portrayed the likeness of gold. Hand running loosely through the small ebony curls that adorned his chest gracefully, I then lightly trace my fingers down the line of his lean stomach.

Briefly gazing at the small coils that peppered the bottom of his well defined V-line, I noticed how the covers just barely masked the beginnings of his manhood that touched my leg.

Remembering what room we were in, my wandering gaze shifts to the sky above me to see the high vaulted mirror on the ceiling. Meeting my own brown eyes in the makeshift mirror, I slowly examine each of our naked bodies that were just barely blanketed by the velvety fabric.

My teeth graze over my bottom lip gradually as seeing Prince's nude state sparked images of last nights erotic moments throughout every part of my mind, explaining the slight throb between my legs and the bit of soreness affecting my behind.

Just thinking about it riled up my wildest fantasies, as the vivid memory of being dominated in a way that would make any woman beg for mercy overcrowded my thought process. I even had a few controlling moments myself, which ignited the start of our passionate night.

Unfortunately for us, this would probably be the last time we have such a heated and impeccable session like the one we just endured, for a while.

You see, Prince and I had a little three day vacation from the stresses of being new parents thanks to my mother wanting to have her grandchildren over her place for awhile. Even though I was a bit iffy on not seeing my babies for a couple days, Mom convinced me to let her take care of everything while Prince and I enjoy a little break.

Honestly, the first month after giving birth was complete and utter choas as I was repeatedly catering to twins who had the tendency to cry 24/7. I barely got any shut eye, and dragged along most of the time.

Prince got the short end of the stick because Genesis was never truly satisfied unless her father was around or holding her. When balling her eyes out, if it wasn't because of a full diaper or hunger, then Prince would be the only remedy to the problem. I have an itching suspicion that this little baby is going to be one hell of a Daddy's girl.

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