Poem 2

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It's really funny you know,
How life works.
People say this often but,
I didn't know, it was true,
That you really don't know
About anything,
Until you see it, feel it, and
Experience it for yourself.

I have been the student. I still am.
I learned, I practiced
I still continue to,
But now, as a teacher.
Yes. I truly find that hard to believe.
And I never thought someone as trivial as I am, could make a difference in anyone's life.

I learned that,
Your choices were important.
But don't let it weigh you down
Into believing every choice
Must be perfect.
Mistakes must be made
In order for you to learn
The most important lessons.

Now you will look at this and say,
"Yeah, right."
Don't worry. I used to say that too.
And it's okay, if you don't understand
At this moment in time,
Because you will grow to do so.
After all, we're only human.

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