Story 3

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City lights glitter in the distance. The chilling evening air on my arms gave jarringly different sensations from the warm coffee up in my hands. As ongoing as the traffic below the bridge we stood, the world was still on that section of the bridge.

It wasn't particularly a bad date. Far from it actually. He's an old friend from high-school. Well, maybe more than friends. We parted ways when I had to go to England to study. He said he'd wait for me. I didn't expect he'd actually would. Four years could really change a person.

But he didn't change. Not personality-wise at least.

He's still the awkward nerd I met him as only with a slightly different style; he wore better jackets, no more hand-me-downs or tears. His glasses had different frames: black instead of silver. He grew taller. A fact I am still annoyed about and didn't think was possible. He had different hair. It's longer, and stood up as one whole mass. I didn't particularly fancy it but well, liking every change is unrealistic. So I left it alone.

"Did you... " his mouth slightly parted as he paused and looked at me, "Have a good time?"

"Yeah... " I smiled. "I missed this." He raised his eyebrows, asking for clarification. "I mean, the memories I had here, the place itself." I shifted my gaze to the setting sun, shinning a rainbow of colour. "The breeze. The scenery. It's incredible."

We didn't exactly stay in one place, moving here and there. Sightseeing basically. I rented a bike when I came down so I could move around as freely as I wanted. This freedom is something I didn't have while I was here. So the ability to do whatever I wanted for 2 weeks hit me like a second round of puberty.

I managed though, braved it the same way I did with college. It's been 10 days. I only have a bit more time left. I've visited most of the people I knew. I even dropped by my school but that was the only constant thing about my visit. Things have changed.

"So... " he started again. I turned to face him again. "Um... Are you...seeing anyone?" I knew where this conversation was going. I've prepared for this moment at least fifty times throughout the 4 years I've been away. Replaying all the possible outcomes over and over. I took a deep breath.

"Not right now. Except maybe you." I gave a cheeky grin. He chuckled. It rang in his throat in a way that gave me bubbles in my stomach. I was slowly realising how much I might be in love again. Rather... Still in love.

"Was that for real?"


"You seeing me."

I shrugged. "I mean I'd like to." I leaned off the railing, turning my whole body to him. He turned as well, a bud of a smile creeping at his lips, as if he was afraid to realise the reality of the situation. "I'd like to start again." I said.

"I would like that too." He grinned, overcome with happiness. "But there's one issue."

"Um... What?" I said, confused. He gently held my hands in his. Dark, large and strong hands, with the smoothest palms. I stepped closer to him and looked up into his eyes. Sparkling, with the reflection of the blues and oranges of the sunset.

We broke eye contact to search the area. It was public after all. Our past secret relationship had left us with irrational fears of getting caught, even when no one was around.

After a quick scan I turned back to him, "It's fine." I cupped his face. "We don't have to worry about anyone, anymore."

We were free. Free to be together. With that I raised my head and tip-toed. He bent down. We met in the middle, lips touching. I forgot how soft they felt. I leaned in, wanted more. He kissed back harder, licking my bottom lip. I complied and parted my mouth. Our tongues met and danced a long awaited tango. I pulled him in, grabbing onto shoulders and he closed his arms around my waist.

A while after, we parted, we inhaled a sharp breath and lightly panted. I couldn't contain the joy so I giggled. So did he. That's what happens with soulmates right? They were reflections of each other. Like long parted soulmates, the intensity of being together and free, is absolutely addicting.

We didn't get much sleep that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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