Poem 3

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"But You're a Teacher"  

The first day you walked into the class

I saw no one but a human

In a peculiar garb

It had been the first of the many

Gazes I set upon you.

The year flew by

With its fun and stress

But yet you linger

Just faintly

Deep in my mind.

But You're a Teacher

Another one came

And my interest grew

For both your subject

And you.

I found my strife

Discovered my calling

All thanks to you.

You showed me the way

To a new world

I now call... home.

But You're a Teacher

The exams came, they went.

Then another two months of


I had almost forgotten

Who struck a chord in me

To pursue the choices, I made

That summer.

But You're a Teacher

Then the wait was over.

I stepped foot on the campus

Eager for your presence in class

Once again.

But the gods decided

That I've had enough joy.

So, they took you away

But of course,

No one can be too happy.

That's the way the world is.

Something had to be done.

But You're a Teacher

They did not even bother

For a carbon copy

They deemed this alien was capable

Of course, not just me

But the whole class agrees 

We didn't sign up

For Google to be our teacher

So I search for a way

To see you

To hear your voice

But even when I do . . .

I yearn for more.

But You're a Teacher

Now every waking moment

My mind drifts to you

I say This is Wrong.

Because you're a teacher

And I'm a student

Because I have no right

To access your personal life.

And if I dare.

The consequences are on you.

And the last thing I want to do

Is to see you in pain

So, I keep quiet.

Lower my voices,

And wish.

You're a Teacher

But a girl can dream.

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