the call

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Tadah! So normally I don't do this pairing but I heard the song and just really got hit with inspiration. Also i do like Renee it just for the purpose of the story she's on the "witchy" side.

Dean's point of view:

"I just don't see why you can't commit dean!" Renee yells at me and I just sigh "it's not that I won't commit, I just don't think I'm ready for you to move in here yet" she gives a harsh laugh "are you kidding me?! It's been four months! Ugh fine!" And storms into my room.. then my phone goes off "hello?" "Dean is that you?" That voice i know that voice "Aj? Honey do you know what time it is? How come your calling this late?" I say softly. She takes a breath "I- I just needed to hear your voice right now. Just please talk to me for a bit?" Here voice is trembling and it hits me she's crying "Aj what's wrong? Why are you crying? Is everything ok?" Then she just sobs out "No nothing is ok... Phil he's not what I thought he was Dean. I'm so stupid for thinking he was different" my heart breaks for her. We used to date but some how it ended but we stayed good friends. With aj everything felt so natural and easy more times than I can count have I wished it was aj I was with and not Renee. "Dean im scared." That gets me into action I grab my jacket and keys. "Sh it's ok im coming" Renee comes out "where are you going?!" I just sighs "look Aj needs me and-" " Of frigin corse! As soon as she needs you go running to her! Like her frigin night in shining armor! Well you know what? I'm done! go be with her!" She then proceeds to storm out. That could have gone better but right now aj needs me.

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