chapter 2

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Dean's point of view:

As I drove to aj's I thought about why we broke up in the first place. The more I thought about it the more it made sense about how Renee drove us apart. Well now it's time to fix that. If I'm being honest I'm pretty sure neither of us have truly moved on. I drove into her drive way, well Phil's car isn't here so that's one less thing to worry about. I go to the door and see its partially open. I run in "Aj? April babe where are you? It's me dean" she slowly comes out from behind her couch. "Dean?" "I'm right here babe" she runs to me and I just hug her as she cries. "Shh sshh im here and not going anywhere where" I say and kiss her head. Then I take a look at her face and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. No bruised just her natural stunning beauty. "Im so sorry Dean I probably caused you and Renee to fight again" she says while crying. "Nah she was yelling at me anyway. I think im going to end things with her. Neither of us are happy in the relationship." I tell her 'now it's time to win you back.' I think in my head.

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