chapter 4

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Kaitlyn pov:

I felt so much relief seeing Dean there holding aj. I dont think they realize just how perfect they are together. When she didn't pick up my calls or answer my texts I thought something had happened. I feared that Phil had really lost it this time. So I jumped in my car and got to Aj's as fast as I could. I also called Paige who should be on her way. Let's just say she was less than pleased. As i hug her i realize her shirt lifted a little and dean saw some of the bruises. I had hoped he hadnt. Now though I can see that Dean wants to kill punk. "Look we all want to kill him. None of us like the fact that he has hurt her. We have been trying to help her. But let's focus on the more important thing right now. April." That seemed to calm him down some that's good. I hear a car door slam shut. Shit please God don't be Phil! Aj can't take much more. "Aj?! Pumpkin where are you? It's Paige sweetie." Oh thank God I let out a breath I didn't realize that I was holding. She walks in and immediately heads to aj doesn't even notice Dean there. She takes her from dean cause Aj is shaking still. "Hush now love it's ok we've got you it alright" she says and just strokes April's hair.

Dean point of view:

How did I not notice this had been happening I mean I know we haven't seen each other for a while but still. Knowing Aj she thought it would just be a burden. Thank God she at least told someone. I clear my throat and Paige finally notices me. "Well I'll be damned I don't think I have ever been so happy to see you Ambrose." She tells me with a smile. We all hear a soft snore and look to see Aj had fallen asleep. "Alright so who wants to fill me in on what all has been going on exaclty?" I ask knowing that I'm not gonna like what I hear.

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