Part 5

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Paige point of view:

"well it's a bit of a long story" I tell him and he just raises his eye brow and motions for me to continue. I look over at kaitlyn and she nods her head and then I look down at Aj. The sweetest girl I know who doesn't deserve any of the abuse that Phil has done to her. With that thought i hardened my resolve and knew it was time for dean to know. "Alright but you need to remember to keep your cool and do not yell." " Ok got it now start talking" This is going to be a long night. 

Deans point of view:

I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to like this so I turned to Kaitlyn "let me hold her." I say quietly. "Dean are you sure? This is gonna be a little intense " "Kaitlyn if I'm going to even stay calm at all I need her. I need her in my arms to make sure that she is safe a d that I can protect her" she sighs and looks down at AJ then she gently picks her up and passed her to me. As if she knew it was me AJ automatically relaxed and looked more calm. I just kissed her head and hold her even closer. "Ok now tell me what the hell happened"

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