1 #lovemechallenge

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Waddup?  fUZZI Lin here, and welcome to my first tag ever in my tag book!

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1.  Why are you doing the #lovemechallenge?

I've been tagged by my dear friend Claire Valdez (ClaireValdez)!  But since this tag promotes thinking optimistically, I am eager to do it.

2.  What's a positive word to describe yourself?

Hmm...one word?  Well, the best one has to be awesome ;P

3.  Write a note to past you:

Please stay strong, for both yourself and others.  Remember there is always hope in life, because *if you are easily offended by religion, please refrain from continuing reading this answer* no matter what, you can trust God to have a plan for you.

4.  Write a note to future you:

I really hope you're still the warrior that I know myself to be, and that you're still fighting hard for what is right!

5.  What's an object that's yours and you love?

Definitely my violin.

6.  Write a quote about beauty

"Confidence is beautiful.  No matter your size, no matter your weight, no matter your sexuality, no matter your age.  Be confident in who you are and you'll be beautiful."

(Note that there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.  An example?  Look at our new president 2016.)

7.  A fear I've overcome

IDGAF what others judge or think of me.  As long as I know who I am, I'm good!  If you're not prankster gangster enough to handle who I am, haha too bad.

8.  What's something that you love to wear

Nike stuff, and if I could, armor 24/7 because meh.

9.  What makes you unique?

What makes me unique?  Boi, I make "me" unique ;D

Can we just have a drip more of positivity and enjoy being ourselves?  Be comfortable in our own skin?  Love ourselves?

You do you!

Unfortunately, that's all I got for today!

I hereby tag the following:








and all you wonderful readers

Stay chill!

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