2 TMI Challenge

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Thanks to meistarkawaii for tagging me to do this challenge!  There are fifty questions in this (oml can't wait to see what the questions are!) so kudos to you if you manage to read them all!  Although you're definitely not required haha.


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1.  What are you wearing?

The usual:  a shirt, black/blue pants, and shoes.

2.  Ever been in love?

Yes.  With a bunch of songs, dogs, and my own artwork.

3.  Ever had a terrible breakup?

Yes, when I accidentally snapped my violin G string into two.  Man, that was embarrassing.

(Technically, that was a valid answer.  Look up the definition of "breakup" on Google and you'll see that "the end of a relationship" isn't the only definition for it.)

4.  How tall are you?

Luckily, I just got back from a physical examination!  I'm a hundred and sixty six centimeters tall.  You do the conversion.

5.  How much do you weigh?

Fifty two kilograms.  Again, you do the conversion.

6.  Any tattoos?

Nah, fam.

7.  Any piercings?

Nope.  Not even on my ears.

8.  OTP?

Luktra for Minecraft:  Story Mode

9.  Favorite show?

I don't watch TV 💩

10.  Favorite band?

It's gotta be Imagine Dragons!!

11.  Something you miss?

One does not simply pick one thing...

12.  Favorite song?

Radioactive by Imagine Dragon definitely takes the trophy for this one.  It's impossible to get tired of the song.  I'm also a huge fan of the remix of Radioactive that features Kendrick Lamar.

But there are many runner ups (which are not ranked in a particular order):

Immortals by Fall Out Boy
Centuries by Fall Out Boy

Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Ready, Aim, Fire by Imagine Dragons

Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons

Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons

Gold by Imagine Dragons

Friction by Imagine Dragons

Best Day of My Life by American Authors

Go Big or Go Home by American Authors

Pompeii by Bastille
Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille

I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction

In The End by Black Veil Brides

Spirit of Adventure by David Chappell
Heroes Never Die by David Chappell

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