Chapter 1: Abuse and Fear

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A/N: Hello everyone, it's nice to see you all again and in a new story of mine! You guys must've saw this coming since I'm doing Genji x Reader One-Shots. So yeah, I'm addicted to Overwatch now, just like I am with FNAF which I will soon make an x Reader soon for one of them. So keep that in mine in the future~. 😉 Anyway, let the story being since you all have been waiting for this special story!


*(Y/N)'s POV*

Again with the screaming and breaking of bottles, dad is drunk with me hiding in my room. Dad was never like this when mom was alive, but sadly a year or two ago she died due to cancer, leaving me and my dad. Since then, dad has been wasting away, not giving a damn what happened now. Mostly by now I'd be at my grandma's house to stay safe... I can't because dad is blocking my way. I would use the window, but sadly sit was boarded up. "(Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU! YOU FUCK UP, COME OUT NOW! DON'T MAKE ME BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!" Father yelled as he banged on my door. I didn't want to move, but seeing that I had no choice, I had to. Slowing opening the door, my father yanked it open grabbing me by the throat. Throwing me down into the shattered glass, dad yelled at me to clean this mess up as he left for more alcohol. With a slam of the front door, tears started to pour down my face. "Mom... I wish you were here... save me from dad and to help him... I miss you so much." I whimper before quickly picking up the glass, cutting my hands in the process. Checking the time it was almost midnight, and seeing that dad would take a long time getting home, this would give me a chance run to grandma's house. Not caring about my bloody hands, I grab my red cloak before running out the front door, into the woods. 'I hope my dad doesn't catch me... it would end badly for me if he did get me...' I thought as I started to run faster.

*Wolf's POV*

Heart beating faster, sound of crunching leaves under my paws, and eyes on my prize. Clamping down with my sharp teeth, I catch the poor little bunny and break its tiny neck. I growl as I rip it apart, feeling blood go all over my muzzle. Finishing off the morsel, I lick away the blood as a noise catches my attention. I stop as my ears flickered towards the sound, the hearing of heavy breathing started coming closer. Hiding quickly, I get into a attacking position, waiting for my nexted victim. "I-I ca-can't le-let hi-him g-get m-me *cough* he-he'll loc-lock m-me a-away." A girl's voice could be heard as my ears purked up. 'A girl? Why in the middle of the night... and in the woods? Guess it doesn't matter, more to kill.' I thought as a red cloak came into view as the girl fell onto her knees, trying to catch her breath. I watched closely as I try to get closer only to accidently stepping on a twig, making me cringe. The girls face was still covered as her head shot in my direction. "I-I-Is s-some on-one the-there?"  The girl said as she tried to stand, but was to focused on my location. Being quiet, staying still and not wanting to move in fear of her running away. The girl got up, shaking a little as she held onto the tree next to her for support. She moved slowly as she looked around. I waited for a moment before following the girl. 'I'll just wait for the right moment... and then I'll take her down.' I thought as my heart started to beat faster with excitement. She looked lost as a voice made her freeze before running further into the forest. "(Y/N) GET BACK HERE! DON'T THINK YOU CAN JUST RUN FROM ME!" the stumbling feet of a man came out of nowhere as he chased after the girl.

My eyes start to glow golden as I run after them. The scream of the girl could be heard as I came closer. Reaching towards them, the sight made me stop in my tracks. A man punched the girl in the face and started kicking her stomach. "DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME! YOU SHOULD TREAT ME WITH RESPECT INSTEAD OF BEING A WORTHLESS BITCH!" "PLEASE STOP! SOMEONE, HELP ME!" "THERES NO ONE HERE TO SAVE YOU! I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON FOR RUNNING FROM YOUR FATHER!" the man man yelled as he pulled out a knife and yanked the girls head up. I growl as the man freezes and looks around as the girl cries in fear. "Shut your damn mouth... WHOS OUT THERE! SHOW YOURSELF MOTHERFUCKER! DON'T MAKE HUNT YOU DOWN!" he yelled as he pulled the girls hair to shut her up, making me feel weird. Anger built up as I growl louder, catching the man's attention as he back up in fear. 'Oh... this will be fun, I guess I found myself a fool instead... I'll let the girl live... but the man, he'll be an excellent kill.' I thought as I moved towards him.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I cried as I felt my dad let go of my hair suddenly as he backed up. I looked at him in confusion as a growl from behind me made my heart stop. I tried to get away from my father and the creature, but my father grabbed me and held my arms together. "Guess its my lucky day, I don't have to kill you, but this wolf certainly will. Have fun playing with the pup!" My father said to me before throwing me towards the wolf as my body collided with it. A yelp could be heard as a deadly growl came after with the sound of my father running away. I looked beside me as the wolf growled at me, making me crawl backwards away from it. My back hit a tree as I shut my eyes in fear. I felt the wolf near me as it's breath was against my skin before it disappeared. Opening an eye, I see the wolf gone and in its place a golden bracelet with silver markings. Picking it up lightly I look at it to see a wolf engraved in it. I almost dropped it as the sound of my father's screams could be heard with a howl. In panic, I got up and ran for my life. 'Where is my grandma's house! I knew this is the way, but why is it taking me forever to get there! Oh god, I'm going to die by that wolf!' I thought as I continued to run. In a distance, I could see a faint light giving me hope. I smile as I reached the edge of the forest only to have the wolf jump in front of my path. Without thinking I grab my red cloak and threw it at the wolf as I ran around it. It growled as it tried to shake off the cloak as I ran towards the door and opened it before slamming it shut. Sliding down to the floor, I pant while holding my chest. "(Y/N) is that you? Are you alright? What happened?" "Gra-Grandma, a-a wo-wolf st-started t-to cha-chase m-me." "Oh my, don't worry, I'm sure he'll be gone in the morning." "He'll? How do you know it's a boy?" "Its because he always stays around this area, sometimes I feed him. He can be a sweetheart at times once he warms up to you... but I must ask, how come you came here so late at night?" Grandma asked as she brought a cup of tea to me as I stay on the floor.

Taking the cup, I drink a little before speaking. "I-It was bec-because dad got dr-drunk again... oh god." "What, he got drunk? I don't remember him ever doing that... where is he?" I stayed quiet staring at my now empty cup as she looked at me before nodding her head. "I guess he's gone... what a shame..." "The wolf killed him... I thought the wolf was going to kill me first, but it disappeared and in its place was a golden bracelet..." "Oh dear, I guess he became anger at what your father did. He becomes very anger when he sees a weaker human get hurt by another stronger... that must be why he left you be before coming after you. I don't think he was going to hurt you dear, especially when he left you a gift." "Well I'm not going out there since I threw my cloak at him... he'll probably tear me limb from limb if I go out there..." "Just wait until morning dear, I'm sure he'll be calm down by then. For now, get some rest after I patch you up. You're bleeding on your hands and arms." Grandma said as she takes the empty cup and puts it in the sink. I get up slowly as I hold onto the counter for support. Following my grandma, in the corner of my eyes I thought I saw two glowing golden eyes outside, but thought nothing of it. After getting patched up, I went to bed in the guest bedroom as I stare up at the ceiling. Afraid of sleeping with that wolf out there, waiting for me to come out I grab the bracelet. Holding to my face, it had a faint glow to it before it disappeared and leaving my room dark. Suddenly growing tired, I place the bracelet on the bed stand as the room grew colder. Covering myself, I fall asleep as a distant voice could be heard. 'Do not worry... I'll protect you... my little lamb.'

Run Little Red (Wolf Hanzo x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon