Chapter 2: Wolf At The Door

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A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me, I know that it takes a while, but I'm happy that I'm able to update. With my place going crazy and problems popping up, I was worried that I might not be able to update for another week or so. Anyway, here's the next chapter, I hope you guys enjoy. And thank you for all the votes on the first chapter, it makes me confident and pushes me forward when I see so many people liking my chapters. I really apprentice it. 😊


*(Y/N)'s POV*

Morning rises as the birds chirped happily and the faint chatter of squirrels in the distance. I groan as the curtains where opened by grandma. "Its time to wake up (Y/N), it's already 10 and breakfast  is about to get cold. Come get some before we leave." "Grandma, why can't I sleep in a little more? And where are we going?" I said yawning with chuckling at me. "Well, don't you want to met the wolf? I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you at last." "Grandma, I don't think that would be wise. What if he was tricking you and planned on killing you? Have you ever thought of that?" "Oh nonsense, he's to kind hearted to hurt someone as old as me. I'm sure he won't hurt you since you are my granddaughter, he'd probably try to impress you as a sorry." "Sorry grandma, but I don't feel like having the same fate like dad. You can see the wolf, I'm not going out there." I said before looking out the window to see the blue sky. Grandma sighed as she walked out of the room before stopping and looking back at me. "You know (Y/N), if he had wanted to hurt you, he would've done it while you were vulnerable and before your father appeared. Keep that in mind deary." With that grandma left for the porch. I sat there thinking of what she said. 'Maybe I should give the wolf a chance? I mean, either way he'll probably kill me or just growl at me.' I huffed as I got up to put close on and got myself some breakfast. Once I was finished I peeked out the front door to see grandma waiting for me. "Don't be shy deary, your okay to come out." "Is the wolf out here? If so then no, I'm okay inside the house." "(Y/N)..." Grandma said before turning her head to in front of her. "Don't worry, she'll warm up to you. She's just a little shakened up from last night." A faint huff was heard as the wolf poked his head out from behind Grandmas small form.

His fur was a brownish-black coat as his eyes were a light brown. The wolf flickered his ears as he watched me slowly come out of the house and beside my grandma. "(Y/N), why don't you stick your hand out. Let him get to know you before he decides if you can pet him or not." "Grandma, I don't want to touch him. What if he bites me instead?" "He won't, just trust me deary... do you have no fate in me? Do you think I lie to you?" "No grandma, I don't think of you like that." "Then stick out your hand." Grandma said as she gently grabbed my hand. Closing my eyes I let my hand towards the wolf as he got close to it. Feeling his hot breathe against my hand I freeze. The sound of sniffing and huffing was heard as he moved his head away front hand and up my arm. "Oh my, I've never seen him done this before. He must feel attached to you, maybe it must be the gift he gave you last night?" Grandma chuckled as I turned my head away as the wolf started to sniff my face. "Grandma, I don't feel comfortable with him so close to my face... I thought you said he'd only check out my hand..." I say as he growled a little before rubbing his head against my neck, causing me to shiver. "Aw, see (Y/N), he likes you. I'm surpised he warmed up to you that quickly. It took him a week to get use to me." "How nice, but how do I stop him. He's making me even more nervous now that his rubbing against me." "Just stay still, I'm sure he'll stop soon. For now, it's almost time for me to go. I'll be back around 3. Behave while I'm gone." "What! Don't leave me all alone!" "You got your friend to keep you company." She said while getting up to brush off the dirt before heading towards her car. I was about to get up, but the wolf growled in disagreement as he pushed me back down. Grandma smiled as she left me alone... with the wolf. Great...

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