💛Last Authors Note💛

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Hello my companions! It's awesome to see you here at the end! Another has been made and completed! That makes at least my 7th story now! (It would've been 8, but I didn't complete a story.😑) Anyway, I want to thank you all for the support that you've given me throughout my three years on here! I hope to keep doing this as I get older and make better stories! This is like a milestone for me, even though I started in September of 2014, I didn't start writing stories until January of 2015! I was encouraged to make stories by my friends (who don't really talk to me anymore) and they told me to write something I love. At the time, it was Transformers (still is in my heart), and now I'm going further into YouTubers, videogame characters, and soon to be K-Pop idols! I sometimes wish to turn back time, to watch myself get inspired to write stories, because when I was younger I hated writing. Now I love writing stories, (unless it's at school 😔) but yeah, I love to be on here! The reason why I write is because of you, to the people who cares and my fellow companions, the ones that are new and old. You are the ones who cared about my stories and encouraged me to continue on when i was feeling down. You guys even cared when problems came around for me, and I really apprentice it. Now... almost 600 companions, my heart just warms up. It makes me feel old just thinking of the years that just past. 😢 Oh god, I realized that I've been rambling. 😖 I guess I should wrap this up then. Anyway, again thank you for for reading this story! If you liked it, then leave a comment and vote on the chapters! I'll see you guys in another story! Buh~Bye!



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