Chapter 10: The fight

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Chapter 10: The fight
[Few months later]
I watched the water run down my arms, the warm of it comforting me.
I wrapped my hair in a towel, doing the same with my body, closing my eyes.
I shouldn't be so upset. Truth to be told, what I had told Dean wasn't what I felt. I loved him, but I just hated the way he thought he deserved crap, when he deserved the whole damn world. maybe I didn't have a base, just a random vision, but what I felt seeing it was what counted.
I opened the door of the bathroom, allowing the fog to clear. Once it was visible I stepped out of the room, holding the towel uptight against my chest.
For some reason, hair started prickling at my neck, causing me to shiver.
Something was wrong.
Sam and Dean were out looking for Castiel, we needed someone to tell us what an old spell meant, something that was necessary.
I didn't think about my daughter that much. I learned to bury her in my head, taking her out only when I was alone, being able to break down on my own.
I heard a bolt upstairs snapping, making me jumpy. I was alone in the bunker. Except, if Crowley randomly chose to come here with me, thing that he had been doing since the day I took Dean out of purgatory, like I needed a babysitter.
"What a view."
I spun around, my heart beating in my chest.
What was he doing here?
All of my senses begged me to run, but for some reason I stayed where I was, I wanted to face him.
He was looking up and down my body, making me curse myself for taking a shower this late in the night.
"In flesh and blood. Been a couple of months since I last saw you. But when i did, you were...pregnant, weren't you?"
So he knew. What Crowley and Gabriel had said that night, that he was on lucifer's side was true.
"What do you want in here? I could turn you to dust with a flicker of a hand." I warned, stepping as far away from him as possible.
"Oh, believe me, I know. How you snapped your Dean out of purgatory like that." He said, snapping his fingers "Unbelievable. Yet, I wonder what you would do for a piece of the truth."
"A piece of the truth?"
"I know the visions you've been having. About a girl and dean. Though that girl is warded against your magic, so you can't see who she is. What if I helped you? Helped you to find out with who Dean will be spending his nights after he's swore loving you forever."
I wanted to know. I wanted to know if they were true, if that girl could give him what I couldn't. I was a monster, she was probably human, like he was, and could offer him much more than I could ever.
"What's your deal?"
"It's just one easy, quickie thing. And I'll be able to show you the whole truth, the future. You can't see it clearly, you're still to weak because of the baby, which I'm sorry, truly, but I'll be able to tell you the truth and unbind your eyes."
I took a breath, steadying myself.
"What's the thing that you want?"
"Easy there, I won't tell you right now. But, when the time comes, i will. I assure you, Lyds, it's the easiest thing ever. Nothing to worry about. Now, give me your hand and I'll show you."
I nodded, dread filling up my insides.
He took my hand in his, pronouncing a few words in Latin, and I closed my eyes shut.
I could hear small whispers, see Dean's green eyes through the darkness, with her.
She had beautiful black hair, one eye brown , one eye blue, her face contorted in pure pleasure.
I didn't want to see this any longer, and yet I could hear the words Dean whispered to her, the same words he'd whisper to me.
Her name was crystal.
I opened my eyes as Axel released me.
"This is all future. Hasn't happened yet."
I couldn't focus on his words. There was something else in the back of my mind.
She was the girl I saw before blacking out. The day I lost my daughter.
[Pov- Dean / 24 hours earlier]
"What's on your mind?" I whispered to her, while her forehead was crumpled up in confusion, pretending to read a book.
"I...nothing, just...nothing."
I stood up from my chair, bringing it closer to her.
"What's wrong angel?"
She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, a troubled look on her face.
"I had a vision."
It was becoming more and mor frequent for her, ever since I came back. She'd wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, telling me something would happen, sometimes she knew she had a vision, but as soon as she was awake she couldn't remember what about.
"What happened in the vision?"
She stared down at her hands, avoiding my eyes.
"Lydia, baby."
I took her Chin, angling her face towards mine.
I slowly caressed her lips, pulling away just as she was closing her eyes into the kiss.
"No kiss until you tell me."
She opened her eyes, looking at me.
"I saw you with...with another girl."
I smiled, taking her hands.
"That's the Dean I was before you."
She nodded, tears slipping down her cheeks.
"I can't force you to stay with me, dean."
"What do you mean?"
"I...ever since I came here when I was eighteen, I haven't done more than put you and Sam in danger. I...I took you to purgatory because you believed that stupid vision axel showed you. I-I am the reason our daughter is dead. And I...if you ever find someone who's mortal, a human like you, I want you to love her. I want you to be with someone that will never hurt you. I'm a monster Dean, and I know, I've always known I don't deserve you."
Tears were running freely now, down her cheeks, but even then she was trying to smile to reassure me. And even crying, she looked beautiful.
"You're not a monster, Lydia. You are an angel. And you are part human too. You're the most beautiful blessing I've had."
She nodded, wiping her eyes with her hand, looking at me.
"Promise me that if you find her, someone better, you'll quit at us."
"Don't say that angel."
"Promise me."
I looked into her eyes, knowing that no matter what I said, I would never make her change her mind. I nodded, halfheartedly. "I promise you."
I promise you that I'll love you forever...those were the words that I knew were true, what I wanted to tell her.
She chuckled slightly , taking my hand and tracing hearts on my palm.
"I'm still wondering why you don't hate me."
"Why should I hate you?"
"I...I killed our baby."
She wasn't crying now, but I knew she would later, when she was in the corner of our room, when she thought no one heard her. Little did she knew I stayed in the door, crying silently with her for the happiness that she had lost.
I was so selfish for keeping her, but I wanted her to be here with me, I could keep her safe.
"Lydia, no you didn't. I-Sam told me what happened that day."
Her face went down again, and she started at her lap.
"Maybe you need a distraction." I whispered, pushing her closer to me, bringing her to the edge of the chair.
She stood up, just to place herself on my lap, smiling.
"I think I do."
She started kissing my neck, while I worked on her back, tracing small lines.
I pulled slightly, wanting to feel her lips. She kissed me back, moaning slightly into the kiss. She was pressing herself against me, making me crave for her touch.
She pulled away, taking off her shirt.
"I love you so much, Winchester." I smiled at her, while she looked down at me with her beautiful eyelashes, her eyes dark with lust.
"You're so beautiful." I whispered before unclasping her bra.
She worked her way down my shirt, undoing the buttons. Soon we were in nothing but jeans, both of us a moaning mess.
Please don't let Sam arrive just...
The door upstairs jiggled, as I huffed. He was always in the perfect timing.
Lydia screamed a little, getting off me to put her shirt back on, while she looked down, head bowed, shy. Her cheeks were red.
Sam went down the stairs super happy, with beers in his hand.
I tried pushing myself into the table, so he couldn't see my excited little friend.
"Did I interrupt something?"
I answer yes, while Lydia shook her head no, her eyes bulging out at the bra she had left in the floor.
Sam smiled, "Don't want to interrupt ever. I'm so happy I came in the right timing, right Lydia?"
She nodded, too startled to speak.

Hiii! My first chapter posted on wattpad! I'm so happy to finally have this on here since I'll be able to keep this going as long as I want. Thank you guys so much for reading this crappy fanfic since the beginning and leave your opinions in the comments! I love you angels 💕

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