Chapter 14: Magic

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Chapter 14: Magic
(Pov- Lydia)
I stared at the beautiful green dress in front of me, not being aware of Allison behind me.
"That would look pretty on you." She said, taking the dress in her hands.
I spun around, taking the other one off the hook, a red dress, tight.
The memories from this morning started bubbling up inside my mind, but I pushed them away. Allison couldn't know. I wasn't even completely sure I had slept with Dean.
"What about you take both of them, and I'll pay for one?" She blinked and I just nodded, wanting to go home more than the last hour.
We went to the cashier, payed and smiled once we were outside.
The sun was shining up high, blinding me, and Allison took my hand, guiding me down the boardwalk.
"Let's go to that one!" She said, pointing.
We stopped to wait for the traffic light to give us chance of crossing the street.
I felt a tingle in my neck, turning my head slightly.
There he was. Dean. And Sam.
They were walking straight towards me, and I vowed my head, begging the traffic to cram up, stopping them. It didn't.
At the last moment, when Dean was in the middle of the street, I looked up.
A white truck was going too fast. It'd crush him.
I didn't even think of my steps then.
I let go of Allison's hand, running to the middle of the street, probably looking like a maniac, and raised my hand in front of the truck, begging for it to stop.
It all happened in a split second.
Sam, still on the boardwalk looked at me, amazed.
Dean, behind me gasped.
The truck's motor in front of me stopped, white fumes coming off the hood.
The hell?
Allison started walking my way, Dean took my arm, getting ahold of me and pushing me until we were safe, on the boardwalk.
"I'm sorry!" I shouted at the man behind the wheel who was just as shocked as I was.
"What the hell was that?" Dean asked, staring at me.
I smiled, relief washing over me, a weird feeling.
"I stopped the truck."
"I know you did." Sam said, taking place besides Dean, both of them towering me. "How? Why?"
"Dean...he was about to get hit I-I didn't even think, I just ran and raised my hand. I wasn't-not really- planning on it to stop."
Dean looked at me, awe, shock, confusion, sadness, all written in his eyes.
"It was just a coincidence." He whispered, looking straight into my eyes, as if wanting to make me believe it.
I got ahold of my senses then, remembering how he had left for no reason in the morning, anger taking control over me.
"Oh, wow, so you just show up and tell me what to believe and what not to, but you're too much of a coward to face me after last night." I whispered, making my voice harsh.
His features changed, as if he didn't mean for Sam to hear anything.
"Last night? Dean."
"No! Listen to me Winchester..."
I stopped, dead in my tracks. His last name wasn't Winchester, was Collins, wasn't it...?
"How do you...?" Sam started.
Voices stared to be a fog around me, never making any sense. I feel suddenly dizzy, and I couldn't keep my balance. A stabbing pain in my temples made me close my eyes, fall to my knees. I wanted it to stop. That's the last thing I remember.
(Pov Dean)
I stared at her body, trying to find a way to make this right. She might have gotten her memories back, if she did it had all been my fault. I had kissed her back, loved her, and now she could be steps away from her death. Because of me.
Everything I touched always crumbled.
"Do you think her memories are back?"
"How am I supposed to know that, Sammy?"
Her lips formed inaudible words, whimpering once in a while.
"We should call Crowley. She's not okay." I added, feeling uneasy. Crowley would be pissed. But if it meant saving her...
"Dean." She whispered, trying to grasp something invisible with her hand. "I love you. Dean. Dean, please. Don't!" She screamed, kicking her legs.
Sam stared at me, as if I should've known how to do everything.
Her green eyes opened, her back arching until she was seated.
"Where am I?" She asked, tears coming down her cheeks, and I had to resist the attempt to push them away with my thumb.
"Dean? Sam?" She asked, feeling uneasy.
"Lydia. How are you feeling?"
She looked at me as if I had three eyes, looking behind me.
"Where's Crowley? He was here seconds ago."
I shook my head, confused.
"He wasn't here." Sam said, after clearing his throat.
"He was. I wasn't feeling well, I saw blood on the sink, I called him and he'd call you."
"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked, looking at her hands, fidgeting, already knowing where this was leading.
"I was with you on the bed. You were asleep and I went to the sink to wash my face. There was blood and I...I called Crowley because I wasn't-I wasn't okay."
"What day was it?"
She smiled, as if i was stupid, a weak and barely pronounced smile.
"September 23rd"
"Lydia. It's December 4th."
She shook her head, confused.
"'s complicated." I said, instead, not wanting to overwhelm her.
Her memories were back.
I needed to make sure, though.
"What day did we meet?"
She leaned back against the wall, exhausted.
"April 25th." She replied in a heartbeat, whispering.
I stared at Sam. She could be in danger right now. I mouthed Sam to call Crowley, while I went down and sat beside her.
"I know you are confused. I'll explain everything, baby."
She smiled, closing her eyes. "I know."
A few minutes later, her breathing was steady.
My Lydia was back. And it was all my fault.
"Catch me!" I screamed, turning my head to watch behind my shoulder.
He was looking at me, ignoring the problem we had that day. It was just him and me. It'll always be.
"Come on, Lydia! I promise you I'll be sweet"
I smiled to myself, running to a oak tree.
"Dean! No fun! Chase me."
He grinned, immediately setting off across the little prairie.
I caught a glimpse of him across the trees, looking at every direction, hoping for him never to find me. Hide and seek with Dean Winchester, who would've thought?
"I got you."
I screamed, surprised, kicking away in his arms, smiling when I felt his lips on my collarbone.
"Dean. Dean don't. We were supposed to meet Sam a while ago."
"Let him wait."
He spun me around, pushing me into the oak tree.
"You're so gorgeous." He said, kissing me softly.
I smiled, my heart beating against my chest.
"You know, I've always wanted to kiss you below the pouring rain, like in the movies."
I giggled at the random and crazy thought , feeling happy.
"Maybe I could make that wish come true." I whispered, pushing him backwards, taking his hand and closing my eyes.
"Otrimmitus atimlis." I felt cold air rushing around me, messing with my hand, Dean chuckling behind me.
I opened my eyes then, small droplets falling in my face.
The sky had turned gray, the power of the chosen.
He smiled, looking at me like a proud father.
"You're controlling them."
"Shhh. I could snap you out of this world if I wanted to. Now, my kiss."
He grinned, gripping my waist tightly.
"I'll give you more than that baby."
I giggled, wrapping my legs around his waist, tangling my fingers in his hair.
"I love you." I whispered.
He leaned in to kiss me, making me wait. Looking at my eyes adoringly for a minute, making my breathing uneven.
"I'm in love with you Lydia Martin."
His lips, salty against mine, the rain becoming more prominent now.
Soon, we were soaked, his breathing ragged as he placed kisses on my jaw.
"I love you so much." He'd whisper once in a while.
I allowed myself to get lost in that little infinity, enjoying his touch, the water, the memory, the feelings.
I opened my eyes, Dean instantly stopping.
"Did you hear that?"
I nodded, jumping off him.
"Mom! Help me mommy!"
I shook my head. No, it couldn't be.
I pushed Dean lightly, running to where the voice was coming from.
In front of a beautiful tree with laurels, a girl was standing.
She had red hair, mesmerizing green eyes, freckles, and she was holding a pillow, her eyes smeared with tears.
From her ears, blood was pouring out.
"Mommy. They're hurting me."
I took a few steps closer, wanting to help the girl, feeling sad.
How could I help her?
She was wearing a purple dress, her tiny hands shaking, biting her lip.
"They're hurting me mommy. They want you."
I creased my brow, confused.
Who was her mother? Who was hurting her.
"What's your name, sweetie?" I asked, kneeling in front of her.
Her teeth were barely visible, a baby's, her hands gripping strands of my hair.
"Mary. My name is Mary. Mommy, save me."
I woke up.
I'm so sorry for doing this to you guys, you know that I LOVE YOU! Comment what you think will happen next. Bye! 🎉💕

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