Chapter 17: Memories

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Chapter 17: Memories
[Pov - Dean (flashback)]
I stared at her, immediately capturing my attention.
"This is Lydia. She'll be under your custody until I decide it's precise. Please, squirrel, don't you sleep with her. She's off limits."
He left the room then, leaving us to meet each other.
"Well..." she started.
Sam cleared his throat.
"I'm Dean." I said, extending my hand.
She rolled her eyes but took it in hers anyway.
"I know, this tall guy's Sam. Winchesters. The ones to whom I owe my life and other seven billion. Thanks for saving the world, twice."
I smiled, winking at her.
"Though, if you hadn't broken the seals or brought Lucifer back, we wouldn't have to worry about saving the damn planet."
So much for taking it as a compliment.
She smiled then, her red lips pulling back.
She was way too irresistible. Way too sweet. Why was she Crowley's daughter?
"By the way. I'm gonna state some rules."
She said that as she took a seat next to me in the stairway, her eyes leveling mine.
"One. Do not enter my room unless I allow you to."
I smiled then, such an arrogant angel.
"Two, do not touch me unless I want you to."
With that, she winked at me. Wow.
"Three, don't you eat my pie. I could turn you to dust with just a flicker of a hand, remember? The chosen one has its perks."
She liked pie too. Could she be more perfect?
"Just one question."
I added as soon as she was done, because I wanted to keep hearing her soft but commanding voice, no matter what.
She remained quiet, waiting for my question, while I thought of one.
"I- um. What size of shoe are you?"
"Don't be an idiot."
And she'd get along with bobby too.
"You, tall one, tell me where my room's gonna be. And remember, no sneaking in."
I nodded while Sam took a step backward, afraid.
She giggled then, her whole facade fading.
"I don't bite. For having seen Lucifer you're both such cowards. Show me my room, Samuel."
He cracked a smile then.
That moment, no turning back is where she got us both.
"Oh. Before I forget."
She spun around, her red hair trailing behind her.
"I'm a witch, so I can know what you're thinking if I want to. No pervert thoughts." She turned around, not without whispering "it'll be hard to leave with two grown men."
As if I was that old.
I liked the way she walked. She stole your eyes the moment she walked into the room. Her presence, her accent, the way she carried herself. Her personality. All of her was beautiful. She was beautiful.
She stopped, raising a hand at Sam, then turned towards me, looked up and down.
"Thanks pretty boy, you're not that bad yourself. Though, seven years it's much difference. But you are sooo handsome." She burst laughing then, as if I had said the most hilarious joke in history.
Maybe she had.
And I knew it then. There was no way a girl could ever be so captivating as her. There was no way an angel so beautiful would fall for someone like me.
Angel. I liked that name.
I glanced backwards to a Sam leaning by the door.
"Did you find her?"
Wasn't the answer obvious. No. She had left the club, and now she was nowhere to be seen besides the letter.
"A reply would be nice, you know."
I took the small letter from the mirror, walking towards him.
I handed it to him silently while his eyes scanned the words, my fingers fidgeting with the ring.
I wouldn't accept it. Ever.
She couldn't be gone.
"She's...she left?"
I nodded, unable to find my voice.
"Alright we'll find her."
He turned around.
He stopped.
"She doesn't want to be found."
(Pov Lydia)
You know what's funny?
As I drove through the night in a beaten up chevy, I was thinking of him.
I had left without even giving it a thought. And honestly, I had nowhere to go.
Man, I was so lost.
The stars shining above me, thought the sun would be up in less than a few hours.
Why did I leave?
Because I didn't have a choice.
Being near him was such a strong temptation.
I knew that if I didn't stop, he'd end up dead, just like my vision.
I stopped by a motel, setting up in the farthest room of the hallway, exactly in front of an exit. I wasn't dumb. I knew that if he wanted to, he'd find me. But I didn't want him to do so. Then, again, maybe I did.
I laid my head on the pillow, my makeup, the dress, everything still on me. I was too weak and lazy to go wash away the pain.
The words spun around over and over in my head.
I shouldn't have said what I said. I should've never told him anything. Maybe it would've made it easier for him. For both of us.
I hugged myself, praying to fall asleep and stop replaying the conversation in my mind.
I was just starting to loose myself in the fog calming me.
I stood up from my bed, suddenly paranoid.
I felt my insides twist, my gut holding tight.
Oh no.
Why didn't I think of bringing a knife, a gun even? God, I'm so stupid.
"Red head. Yoo-hoo."
"You. God, you scared the shit out of me."
"So you literally ran away. Little rebel, I like you."
I hadn't seen him for months, ever since the night Mary was born.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Lydia. I had to leave. I knew we'd find each other eventually."
I nodded, smiling.
"I don't know what to do. Can you zap me somewhere and make me forget for a while?"
He smiled, shaking his head.
"Do I have the face of the wizard of Oz? Never mind, don't answer."
He extended his hand towards me, which I gladly took.
I closed my eyes, a security wrapping all around me.
I was in freaking Paris.
"God, I hate that this feels so real."
He nodded, staring at me.
"Back when you were younger, you used to dream of here all the time. Meeting your beautiful French guy and get married. Let me tell you, Dean's American."
I rolled my eyes at Dean's name. I didn't want to remember him. All I wanted was to numb the pain.
"You love him."
I closed my eyes, the Eiffel Tower standing above me.
I nodded, unable to speak.
"Why did you leave?"
I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away the tears.
"I- I don't know."
"Oh but you do. You know he's holding you down. How powerful you could be. The chosen after all, needs to be as powerful as the darkness itself."
I nodded, shaking my hands to keep them warm.
"That magic could've killed me."
"Why do you think your daughter was born?"
I shook my head.
"Of course you'd die with that amount of power. That's why the prophecy included her. She's there to decrease your power. You're supposed to share it with her, find stability."
I shook my head. "I don't want to put her in danger."
He stepped close, holding my chin upwards. "Ever since she was born, she's been in danger. And even if you sent her away, your powers will still catch up to her. It's inevitable."
Should I believe him?
"Do you want to see her?"
I gasped.
He was offering what I wanted to see the most.
I nodded.
He snapped his fingers, and we appeared in a stairway.
He told me to go up, and at the end of the aisle was a door. It was pink, with the letter M written over it.
"Is it..."
He nodded, answering my unspoken question.
I slowly tiptoed to the door, my heart in My throat.
I took a moment to adjust my eyes to the darkness.
There she was, the reason to all my prayers.
She didn't look nine months old, as she should've. She looked five, even older.
"Magic. It senses that she's in danger, trying to protect her makes her grow faster."
"What about her parents?"
"Time to time, Lydia. Give it time."
I nodded, turning back to the girl.
Her hair fell around her shoulders, brown. Her eyes glowing with a spark in the dark, the same color Dean's were. She was tall, even visible from where she was seated. Freckles all over her nose and cheeks, making her seem so innocent.
She was so beautiful.
That's what Dean used to call me. Have I ever looked as remotely beautiful as my daughter did. I believe that is impossible.
She smiled then, as if sensing my presence.
She moved her right hand, snapping her fingers.
The light when on.
I thought she'd catch me looking, and for a moment my heart stopped beating. I wasn't really there.
Her other hand reached for the bureau, pulling out a small bracelet. The bracelet that used to belong to me when I was her age, a small mirror with a ring on it, with the word "mom", hearts drawn all over it.
She spoke then, a hushed tone.
Just like that, the rain that was pouring outside and I hadn't noticed until that very moment stopped.
She clapped her small hands, proudly.
"I always hate it when it rains." Talking to herself.
She could make the rain stop. She was only five years old. What have I done?
I wish Dean would be here right now. Wish she could see me, know that once upon a time she had two parents, her biological ones, that loved her enough to give their lives for her. I wanted to touch her, but I knew it was impossible.
"She's too powerful for her age. You've been pushing off your powers. You need to stop that, Lydia. It's going too far."
I nodded, I'd think about this later.
"Mommy! I'm scared!" She screamed, holding a white teddy bear to her chest.
A woman came down the hallway, her black gown blowing by the wind.
She seemed so familiar.
Then I knew.
She was the same mother that took me as her child all those years ago. A little bit older, but still the same restless eyes and beautiful face.
I knew where my daughter was. A dream come true.
And then I woke up.
She found her daughter omg. Omg. Omg. God I'm so proud of this chapter, this isn't actually so cringy.
Anyway, by the time I post this it might be Saturday or so, but next week I'll be having thanksgiving break and I'm so excited to focus on wattpad and instagram.
Comment what are your thoughts.
Love you! 😍😘

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