The pixels

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     As he left the house, he heard the sound again. Hissing, it was so close he could feel it, but what was it? All of the sudden He noticed a gleam of green light coming straight towards him. Wait no, they were cubes, billions of tiny green cubes flying through the air almost like pixels coming to life. How strange he thought, puzzled and confused he stood there. He felt a breeze fly by and then it hit him, the pixels attacked the figure. Surrounding him in a pixel tornado it flew him to the sky. Screaming, flailing, he tried to escape but it was useless.All of the sudden, the pixels disappeared into thin air and now another body lye dead on that same night. Finally the figure was dead, but will he pixels give the people a worse fait? 
The next day the people wondered around the cloaked body, dead. After centuries of terrorizing the people, it was over. Yet the family of his last victim told the story of the pixels and to beware the consequences. Everyone was too caught up with the fact that the man had died that they took no notice of the families childish stories. The town, clueless and thankful, went on with their days as though nothing ever happened. 
     Of course anything like that is something to good to be true. So like all good stories, it came to end rather quickly. Shadows spreading, the pixels awoken with infuriation. It lurked past the entry, past the shops, past everything thing. The town was asleep, the pixels split like someone was tarring them apart. Furious, it fled through the town, to every house and every neighborhood. As the towns people breathed in, the pixels followed along with it and inside it went. Did it take control of your body or kill you like poisonous gas? Oh no, it had something far worse in mind.
     Much like the hooded figure, it tortured you till you couldn't be tortured any longer, then your body would give out and once again lye lifeless, except the pixels brought you right back to life just to endure the same fate as you did before. Like a lapse of torture and pain. That night everyone died, yet the next morning they were all right back where they started. So the day went on, and the people, well they didn't quite understand something so powerful and magical for that matter. They got restless, needing the answers, they traveled to the family of the last victim of the hooded figure and cried out and begged for answers, but there was no answer. The people, vengeful and terrified, broke open the door to realize they were gone. How could they have left, there is no where to go.

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